Yes yes, you know what I’m talking about! That evil hustle… the filthy plan… the wicked intention… the ACT of making a fool out of your friend causing their face to go red and purple from the embarrassment and sometimes humiliation while your face goes blue because of the lack of oxygen when you’ve laughed so hard in their face! And what do we call it? “Just a prank!” – with the most innocent expressions on our faces. LOL
Yes, I was that evil back in school… very evil. It’s a gift from God to be able to act so REALISTICALLY! I can prank any person in the whole world, but the only person I failed to beat is my own mother! She knows me inside out (mwah)! She and I are like friends and she knows me too well to fall for my pranks!
So anyway, that was back in high school. I almost forgot all about the word “prank” when university life started. I got so busy and my life became so crowded, if you know what I mean. But now… ta-daaaaa!! Here I come again! BACK TO MY PRANKING SPIRIT! Hehe…
3ad a7la shay when you prank a dumb person or a person who is so naïve. I discovered recently that Gabriello (my brother) is such an easy person to prank. He knows what I’m talking about!
GABY LET ME REMIND YOU: [ “%$#%&@$% Says: Hey Moe... ana ReeZ!]
W la ba3ad it’s summer now so more and more pranks to come and take place! ;)
Yalla let’s all share our pranking experiences… and feel free to express your anger if you’ve ever been pranked so badly! =P
Yes, I was that evil back in school… very evil. It’s a gift from God to be able to act so REALISTICALLY! I can prank any person in the whole world, but the only person I failed to beat is my own mother! She knows me inside out (mwah)! She and I are like friends and she knows me too well to fall for my pranks!
So anyway, that was back in high school. I almost forgot all about the word “prank” when university life started. I got so busy and my life became so crowded, if you know what I mean. But now… ta-daaaaa!! Here I come again! BACK TO MY PRANKING SPIRIT! Hehe…
3ad a7la shay when you prank a dumb person or a person who is so naïve. I discovered recently that Gabriello (my brother) is such an easy person to prank. He knows what I’m talking about!
GABY LET ME REMIND YOU: [ “%$#%&@$% Says: Hey Moe... ana ReeZ!]
W la ba3ad it’s summer now so more and more pranks to come and take place! ;)
Yalla let’s all share our pranking experiences… and feel free to express your anger if you’ve ever been pranked so badly! =P
Yeah when I first met you at uni I remember you had this spirit and now when I read this post you reminded what and made wonder where did it go in the past 3 years=P
Pooooor gabbzz! He has such a clean heeaaart wallah and I don't support you pranking NICE PEOPLE! lol!
Well I rarely PRANK people but once at a friend's house we had this recording fe the fone of this indian man talking, and I called my mother from a friend's fone and played it and lets just say SHE WAS SO ANGRY at the recording to the extent she threatened to call the police =P I called her later and told her it was just a prank and she was fine about it. =P
hmmm..back in the old days I use to prank alot but not anymore =P
The usual person who would be pranked is my cousin 3afari (she's an old women LOL) because her reaction to the prank and in the prank would be MAJORLY funny! =P
Also back in school a victim of our never ending pranks was our VERY OLD ARABIC teacher at year 12. She HATED US LIKE FROM ALL HER HEART. We were the reason for her to quit teaching >.<
We would lock her out of class and she would keep knocking. She would sometimes come to class and finds NO ONE. She would teach and turns her back and she would hear whistling and it REALLY made her angry. Throw rubbers at each other while she is teaching =P
hmmmmm... Let other girls create a dramatic story and ask for advice and she use to believe it. =P (to waste time)
throw a 5eeeeleh in class tell her we cannot stand the smell of the class and many more.....Would u teacher if you were her? =P
You are the expert here in pranks share some.
hahahaha daynamic... lol@the 5eeleh i should say! and NOOO i wouldn't be a teacher there if you guys were the students heheh.
DEEDEEE you were with me that day in uni when I called mama and put this thing that changes the voice and pretended that I am Basim from the adminstration?? I called mama from Reez's phone and was like " inti waldat flaaanaa???" she's like " haaaih o5oooyeh...?"
then i was liek " bintich mb mdawmeh min esbooo3.. w fi hal 7aleh n7n 3adatan netti9il bel ahal w net6amman 3ala el 6albeh bla bla bla"... w mama said " binti mb mdawma???? oboohaaa ynazzzelhaaa el jam3eh kil yoummmmmmm!!" loooool.. she freaked out!!
Then I called her IMMEDIATELY from my phone cuz she really freaked out and i thought she called my dad to ask him!
here's what happened when i called... awwal ma raddat and before i even said " alo " she said:
I once pranked a girl and told her I'm forced to getting married to this guy because I got pregnant and the wedding will take place as soon as possssible 3ashan when i give birth ma77ad yshek! loooool I even showed her a ring and she totally believed... then i was like EWWW what idea am I giving her about me??! and here I was like " I'm KIDDDDDDDDDDING" !!!
NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEEN HER FACE! hehehe... (You know her by the way)
aaah the pregnant prank is sooo international.. nobody didn't try it. lol
I suck at pranking! I use to be very bad at lying, I would have this obvious smile on my face… but after spending a lot of time with Cancerian I suddenly changed and because such a LIER! The problem here was that people never expected me to lie, so they always believed me. AND the prank we did on Gabriello was hilarious, one of my rare successful pranks thanks to Cancerian… Walla I learned a lot from you; I really feel I became a cooler person after hanging out with you… :D
LOL your just like mee .. done that to almost everyone i know :D its really fun !
heheheheheheheh Saaaraaaaa !!!!! =$
By the way... even I believe you when you lie or say sarcastic things looool..
Navy girl: LOL !! You and I 3yal should create a blog especially for hal 5baal !! lol
I suck at pranks....but when I was in High school...and especially when I was a senior it was fun to pick on juniors...we used bump into them really hard and pretend to fall and even break our legs...and the poor new girl at school would believe that...one day we even threatened this one girl to go and talk to the modira and complain about her...and trust me the girl was this close to crying....at that time I felt reaaaally bad and said everything to her....but hey we tried to keep it harmless...lol
WOW sugar-free !! Wayed harmless into !! Bumping and breaking legs ! hhahahaha...
Thanks for sharing! :)
And to those who don't know sugar-free sweetie well... she's such a peaceful person and highly respected so don;t get fooled by the "evil pranks" she just talked about ! haha
Hey, Here is Gabz!
I can't forget that day!!!
Everytime I remember that day I feel like an idiot, or atleast like in Tom & Jerry when they have the donkey face as an expression for dumbness and '3aba2!!
You people are so wicked (Not you Reezo & Mirz), Where as Cancerian w S.Mad I wish you guys get pranked the same way you pranked me and even mOre!
Cancerian: "An eye for an eye!"
S.Mad: "I hate/love you!"
Mirz: "My good friends!"
Reezo: "I miss you!"
Well, thats my 2 cents!
AHahahahaahahahaa Moh'd you're still angry !!! I can't wait till sara reads what you wrote (hate/love) awanneh !
Well... you see.... try pranking us yourself you won't be able to! na na na na naaaaaaa na...:P
But hey guess what ;) Something huge awaits you trust me... and when that day comes you will feel like a bigger idiot! I'm ejoying what I'm doing to you! hahaha
loooooooooool!! I was so naughty as a teenager and I guess I still didn't change...
so recently..I added a blogger on my msn list and I was like where are your mom and dad.
S: gone out..
Me..out on a date..hehe
S: yes...
Me: damnn how about we go out and spy on them, that must be fun.
S: No 3eeb
Me: la 3ady sometimes its good to know what your mom and dad are doing,its worth it :D
S: btw they are at home downstairs...
Me: wow nothing better than that...lets see what they are doing in their room.
S: was shocked :0 how?
Me: well take this gps satteline address just enter ur dad's ,obile number and see ur there..but make sure u close ur eyes,hehehe
S:ok...I am thinking of trying with my number.
Me: No, why are you spying on urself..
S: ok let me enter my dads number..
Me: let me know what do u see in the room.hehe
S: wait its still loading..I can't believe this happens..
Me: did you see any thing?
S: loooooooooooooooooool you got me again.. I am gonna kill you..
hehe this is just a small one...every day someone is my victim I guess :P what will happen if it comes on me one day? mmm
LOL @ AMU....
Seriously you cracked me up!
Thanks for sharing! hehehehe
And hey...I also often ask myself the same question "What will I do when I fall for it and will I like it?"....hehehe
This is a lovely post and so cute. :D I don't like to prank. Maybe I do, but I cannot act at all. :P Instead I am the one who is always the victim here. Maybe that's becaue I believe everything easily.
I hope you are not planning to do a prank on me because of what I just said... :P
of 7ada you will be shocked :D
Sara S. : hahaha la la don't worry I'm nice these days! Bas my brother miskeen hehe.
Navy: Shocking is cooool when you shock.. but really SUCKS when you're the shocked person LOL. Irony of life!
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