OK …
1. I don’t know if I did okay in my Psychology test. It’s not that it wasn’t clear but I must say the questions were tricky.
2. I can’t stop eating chocolate and God knows DEEDEE is the witness! (and in Ramadan the craziness starts after fo6oor)
3. It’s been quite a while since I talked to Debbie. It was good talking to her today. Just realized I’ve known her for five years yet it feels like just a year ago when we had our first conversation about El Salvador and Dubai! Wow…
4. I still can’t believe M7amad shaved his head… *and no he’s not trying to be Britney* LOL
5. I think “Weeds” is very interesting. *watching season 3 now*, but I can’t get enough of “Grey’s Anatomy”.
6. It’s been a year now since I moved to live at my grandma’s house and I must say it changed me… to the better.
7. Can’t decide on colors of paint, (or maybe wallpaper) for my new room (in the new house). Yeah I’ll move soon *inshAllah*.
8. A sense of nostalgia keeps hitting me every now and then and I must say it kills.
9. I’m slowly killing my horrible habit of procrastination.
10. I decided that I should take cooking seriously. I mean It’s about time that I learnt some cool dishes. Ya3ni 9edg ma anfa3 ana! LOL
1. I don’t know if I did okay in my Psychology test. It’s not that it wasn’t clear but I must say the questions were tricky.
2. I can’t stop eating chocolate and God knows DEEDEE is the witness! (and in Ramadan the craziness starts after fo6oor)
3. It’s been quite a while since I talked to Debbie. It was good talking to her today. Just realized I’ve known her for five years yet it feels like just a year ago when we had our first conversation about El Salvador and Dubai! Wow…
4. I still can’t believe M7amad shaved his head… *and no he’s not trying to be Britney* LOL
5. I think “Weeds” is very interesting. *watching season 3 now*, but I can’t get enough of “Grey’s Anatomy”.
6. It’s been a year now since I moved to live at my grandma’s house and I must say it changed me… to the better.
7. Can’t decide on colors of paint, (or maybe wallpaper) for my new room (in the new house). Yeah I’ll move soon *inshAllah*.
8. A sense of nostalgia keeps hitting me every now and then and I must say it kills.
9. I’m slowly killing my horrible habit of procrastination.
10. I decided that I should take cooking seriously. I mean It’s about time that I learnt some cool dishes. Ya3ni 9edg ma anfa3 ana! LOL
This goes to S.Mad:

I’m happy you finally did that eye lasik surgery. I will soon join your club :P. I know I chickened out but it’s also because of my ICDL work. I thought I would be using the PC 24/7. But anyway, Gonzales is coming back in December ;) I’ll make sure my schedule is totally free! Hehe..
And HEY.. don’t you dare throw your glasses away. They served you well for years and years.
Thanks 7abebtii... Im glad i did it too.. el glasses kan chena HAAM and now its Gone !! Yalla inshallah you will do it soon and dont worry its a very simple procudre and the pain is bareable.. ;p I wont throw away my glasses hehe ill keep them for memories of the days i looked nerdy ! Ohh yeah and im Glad Moe shaved his head he looks much better.. Ow about the cooking your not the only one that needs to learn.. we are useless remember our first attempt to learn --> you bring you maid over my maid teaches here while we spent the time doing our nails at the nail bar.. Wayed it3alamnah lol .. Je T'aime ..
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @ our first attempt to learn cooking!!
i remember very well...
So much for learning and achieving. Our maids learnt and we did our nails!! That's hillarious now that I think back... cuz we didn't realize what we were doing. And remember how Ayu sang the Indian national anthem to the ladies at the nail bar????
One more thing... you noticed the pic I put of my Personal Msg on MSN? LOL
hehe yeah i Noticed the pic wayed Cute thanks.. And yeah Ayu singing the national Anthem was Hilarious.. the Indian ladies were so impressed.. Not only does she attract Filipinos but also Indians now.. REmember the 'Hello I am SAM' WOman.. she was Freaky ! ..
I'll never forget that!!!
1. say allah kareem! mwafega inshallah :D
2. Bel3afya :)
3. Friendship is good. allah y5aylekom 7ag ba3a'9 ;)
4. LOL!
5. Grey's anatomy is way better than weeds; I don't like the latter show :S
6. Good to know that! allah ydem elhappiness! :)
7. Manzel mubarak inshallah! dark colors always look nice! :D
8. I know that feeling! el9abor zain :D
9. psychology 7adah m2ather feech :D
10. LOL! yala 9awry lena aklah enty msawetaha :D
LOL... and I'm definitely going for darker colors... I wanted onne wall to have a chocolate brown wallpaper with a classic touch to it... and i want the rest of the walls to have a brighter type of color but daraja shway dark... b7aith enna the room doesn't look totally dark.. ;)
and yes GREY's ANATOMY rocks :D
about el 6ab5a: y9eeer 5air 5alha mastoora lol
CAAAAAAAAN!! "twalahna 3alaich" i loved it ehheeh its so cute 5alas mithel ma u learned kuwaiti ana bat3alam imaratiii!! :P i missed u too btw ;**
oo inshala u did well ib ur test! oo yes we all get fat during ramathan ;p oo greys anatomy rocks!! i love mcsteamy :$ hes my husband.. can i paint ur room ? :P oo ta3alay i give u some of my recipes bas i tend to put extra spice in my recipes ;p tata my love ;**
aaaaaaaaaaaah i can't have spicy food... I dont have a normal tummy by the way. when i first went to the doctor i remeber this is what she said exactly "Your tummy eats itself when it's empty and the enzymes burn what's in your tummy quickly so you should eat SIX MEALS A DAY" LOL
So you can say I can eat whatever I want and i won't gain weight! (itha ma ma99a5t-ha 3ad)
by the way.. in kuwait you don't say " twallaht" ?? LOL what do you say instead of that?
w ba3dain ta3ali bas2alch so2al.. inti wain e5tefaiti ?? lol
sUCH a refreshing BOST. yes BOST NOT POST. We are ARAB remember? I really want to loose the ma7yoos tongue language of AMERICANS and start speaking english with ARABBBICC accent =P It's cute..
1. Kilna fe el hwaa swa...(translation: WE ARE ALL IN WIND, OR SAME WIND) lOOOOoOL 7daa moo 7elow bel ENGLISH. if only THE WORLD knows sho kna ensawee ana ow inti, when we were suppose to revise. They wouldn't feel sorry for US. =P I LOVE CC..shhhhh !! =P You know who I mean ;) ekeke! It was FUN!! please NEVER blackmail with what you have.. COS 7daaa FASHLA =P
2. yes.....I admit.....I am shahdaa 3ala ur eating chocolate nonstop habbit.. =P I think it is cute =P..
5ala9 el disney dark chocolate?Wella?
3. Debbbbie is an angel, we7lailha =P It was nice to "MEET HER FACE TO FACE" LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! ;)
4. M7aaammaaaadeeeeeeeeee, if you ever read this TRA CanCIII,, sent me your PIC on MMS. =P and m3laaik menhaa u LOOk good.. SHORT HAIR IS NICE ON MEN =P AND are u making fun of BRITNEY? you better not or else SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET YOU. and you know who I mean. THis PERSON is Our latest LAUGHABLE BLAST VIDS. =P
5. Weeds, iiftt.. wa3.. Shoo hal STYLE.. =P I watched only awal 3 episodes and stopped. Madre NOT my cup of tea.. niptuck ow BAS. yeah GREY'S is nice.. I love DANNY :( AND izzie tooo!I wish they bring him back to life.. THAT DIMPLE.... AHHHHHHHHHHHH.. Did I ever tell you I had this thing FOR dimples. =P I think I did tell u min 3 years... Maybe you don't remember cos I didnt EMPHASIZE on it lately .. =P
6. I love ur YADO'S 39eeeeda with BUTTER ;) even tho I dont eat HAL sowalif =P
7. I told u .. SEERI the one,, THEY have most sexist unique wallpapers EVER.. wayed stylish.. ow gives chee an impression. We should go on one of our mondays. ;)
8. bsmmaaallah 3laaich..!! I wonder sho exaclty..
9. OK.. MAYBE.. now that you've admitted you have THIS ISSUE.. You should go 3nd ANNITA to solve it for u.. =P JK..DO UR WORK ON TIME. WHAT HAPPEND TO THE ENRGETIC CANCI who I've MET bdaaiyet this SEMESTER? hHUuUH?!! WAINHAA?
I thought we've switched SHOES.. REMEMBER .. Tho the OUR SIZES is DIFFERENT but we did... =P
10. COOKING. I LOVE COOKING. I CAN GIVE U AND S.MAD classes ;) Cooking is a type of ART, and I appreciate and love it. IT's easy ow u should NEVER GIVE UP.
Honey, MY PERSONAL MSG IS DEDICATED TO U. I'm sure this experience wasn't EASY, ow it was painful BUT EL7MDALLAH you are recovering. *hugs*
NOW CANCI can u update my blog? please with cherry on TOP.. =P
u know I'm very busy lately =P looOol! JUST KIDDING!
i cant stop with chocolate either!
actually anything sweet!
and cooking
god everyday i say today is the day i get into it
and that NEVER happenes!!
lols @ S.Mad learning to cook tip!!! Ha ha ha
I was going for lasik in August, when amu stopped me from getting it done. He advised me in his usual bossy tone that u better b careful or u might loose ur sight forever. That was enough to chicken me out! And he also told me I might get headache for the rest of my life!!
are u getting these side effects?
Attention everyone!!
DEEDEE yesterday was having a very WEIRD day which explains her EXTRA HYPER comment! LOL
let's see
1. kilna fil hwa swa can be (we're all in the wind together :P )LOL yes funny in English!
2. Yes 5alla9 el dark chocolate :(
3. LOL@face2face... yeah wa7lailha she's an angel
4. m7ammad fil 3ain now me3tekef hnak fil dorms! looool pooor bro
(And YUP WE SHOULDn"T MENTION "C.C" NAME. His videos are such an obsession!)
5. weeeds is not baaad deedee... but i also prefer grey's more. and you know what I think of nip/tuck!
6. 5alaaaaa9 expect a 39eeeeda one day sooon ;)
9. ANNITA NEEDS HELP HERLSELF!! HAHAHAH ... i can't believe this person walla.
10. i SERIOUSLY never knew you could coooook!!! :S Since when???
I think we should start a new blog or even better a CLUB for chocoholic people :P
And the "cooking musalsal" you go through is exactly my situation since forever! lol
Sis 4 U:
Heyyyyy sis!!! OMG :O the side effects you mentioned are scarey
We'll have to check up on S.Mad! But she seems to be more than happy with the results el7emdila... Plus, she said it's a very simple procedure :)
I have psychology tooo! wayed information !
Why'd you move to ur grannys?
my sister moved to my granny's too..
and our neighbour 24 yearold guy moved to his granny's too
What's up with people moving to their granny's
1. i had 3 tests scheduled yesterday, so the night before i stayed up till 2.30 studying -_-
and then one of the tests were cancelled and the other one had questions we'd already done in class :@:@:@:@:@:@
2. join the club
4. lol i wouldnt be too happy about this comment if i was ur friend. people might think he has a tendency to copy strange female artists
5. -_- i havent watched wither and my friends wont shut up about them.
6. :)
7. Green is cool
8. :(
10. lol i tried cooking 2 summers ago. i make some pretyy good rice ;)
LOL Fayyoora it's a temmporary thing, I used to make fun of it (cuz there's lots of rules here) so I was telling DeeDee moving to thish ouse is like REHAB! lol
And I was right... i changed to the better. A7es stwait 7ermat bait! LOL
Palo: that friend is my brother lazem yet7ammal whatever i say about hiM! LOOOL... and ooooh you make nice rice?? impressive cuz i can't even prepare a decent sandwich! ok if you're not watching weeds (not a big deal) but GREY's ANATOMY?? YOU HAVE TO!!
and about the tests... how ANNOOOOOYING! lol
allah isalmich bil kuwait ingool walaht 3alaich :P oo ma5tefaiit i just got busy oo magumt i go online wayed ;p oo mee 2!!! ana smilla 3alaich i have stomach ulcers oo qoloon 3asabiii !! ;p ehheeh, oo gharami shay isma spicy food oo mamnoo3a mina bas kila azaregli shway :P
Hey pearls!! AZAREGLI ??? NEW WORD .. shoo ma3natha hay? lol
w ana mob el spicy food illi 8ahrenni... ili 8ahrinni el orange juice! I love it but can't have it.... Allah kareem :P
i need help with the procastination thing! how are you fixing it?
and the chocolate addiction? dont get me started! i eat more chocolate than real food! and cinabbon... lots and lots of that... uh...
AMMARO: Procrastination.... just go and live at your grandparent's for a while !!!! I really call it "REHAB" they make you a PERFECT HUMAN BEING.
Actually.. am kidding... My procratination issue reached its limits 5alaaaaaaa9 and one day I couldn't stand it. I lost many things because of procrastination... and you can say i learnt my lesson and that put a fullstop on the line.
But don't wait until something bad happens to kill your procrastination Ammaro... kill it NOW :P
chocolate....*speechless* Allahoma inni 9ayma...
1- I knew something was wrong from Dee's face expressions when I asked her about how she did...hmmm...inshallah 5air.
2-I can't stop eating Homos....I have no idea Why!!!???
3-That's how days are passing by...even with you it feels like I just met u in our old campus library.
4-loool....atleast he's a boy and have 50% chances of looking good.
5-I've heard about weeds but wasn't motivated enough to watch...I'm just too busy with prison break right now and Smallville...I know I know...how tom boyish of me.
6-Niiiive...allah ye5lelha eyakom ya rab.
7-Mabroook for the new house...and I'm sure u'll surprise us with the color just like u did with ur new laptop..hehehe.
8-Oh dear...I know how you feel...its terrible.
9-Well join the club...lol.
10-I get very lazy when it comes to entering the kitchen...I need to learn more than heating the milk...seriously..lol
Good luck in your eye lasik procedure,,,and congrats to S.Mad and getting it done ;)
Thanks sugarfree .... and yes inshalla I will surprise you with the colors... I'm not looking for anything funky though at all. I want something that I'll never get bored of.. something that makes sense.
Lasik.... hmmmmm.... still hesitating. I'm such a chicken. WELL IT's MY EYESSSSSSS HELOOO LOL
and m7ammad.... guys suck... they will look good with or without hair! unlike girls! LOL
lol@tomboyish.... not necessarily I mean look around.... most of girl friends are watching these shows :P
Lol@heating milk!
Sometimes I sit with our maid in front of the TV as she watches the lady cook and I translate to her what the lady says... I have had MANY MANY MANY of these cooking translation sessions and I never learn a thing! I suck! :P
girl no more chocolates for you :D
i was wondering about your nick ams :P glad she is okay now ;P
You need to start cooking. It is one of the most incredible pleasures in life!
And what is wrong with shaved heads? *points to own head*.
Well I am growing my hair back anyway. Now I am in the "I look like a monkey" phase of it.
kill it with WHAT exactly?!?!!?
@ KJ -- Nothing's wrong with shaved heads. The story behind my brother's hair is that he has always had it long and we begged him to cut it short... one day i have had enough and I begged him to shave it! So when he FINALLY did it, it all seemed unbelievable! Like a dream come true ... ;) That's why I said I can't believe he did it!
So now you're growing your hair back... what are you and my brother taking turns on who gets to keep their hair?? lol
@ Ammaro -- knife? lol...Ok maybe not.
Kill it by really challenging yourself with your abilities... walla it's all psychological.
@ Navy -- Haha you know youm 7ad ysafer ma awa9eeeh 3ala ay shay '3air el chocolate.... w mob mga9reen el nas :P hahaha
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