Yes, decision-making is not easy at all. But it doesn’t have to be a pain. A good decision-maker is not one who never makes a false decision. Not at all! A good decision maker is one who knows how to “never regret” their actions. Yet, most importantly they should “never show” their disappointment with their very own decision. People never know what tomorrow holds, and likewise, they never know what’s behind each and every door.
So, decision-making is like gambling of some sort, but is it? Not completely and here’s why:
Not all decisions are yours to make. Wherever you are and whatever you believe in, be you a child, an adult, a Muslim, a Jew, a teacher, an athlete, an actor, a writer or a dancer; there will always be a set of either or both written or non-written rules to which we all abide. If you’re smart, you would take a daring step approaching your goal through a decision you make which abides to the written and unwritten rules. But at the same time your decision has to smash all the other decisions around it and speaking from a marketing perspective, that’s the way to success and that’s the route leading to exclusivity.
Here is a smarter thought: Can you function in such way that complements and supplements others’ functions but still be so exclusive in your own frame of uniqueness?
So are all decisions directly yours to make? No! But can they indirectly be totally yours? Well, Let’s just say that your capability of completely being in control over the stirring wheels really depends on how smart you can be in driving.
Decision making was always a pain for me !! I take so long time to decide on sumthing ! It's not that easy for me.
Brilliant post, really! Now I won't have to regret some of the decisions I made :)
I think the main premise here is that people always wonder what the other option might have yielded rather than focus on what their decision has yielded
it really depends on the decisions your taking .. sometimes its okay to take you forever to think about it .. it could affect your whole life .. yet other times .. you will have to just MAKE YOUR MIND in 5 minutes :D
P.S : missed your topics :*
mmm think think think and decide cuz decisions now in life will effect your future :)
Take your chances, and make a change!
so you wudn't say afterwards: what IFpossibility.
Your posts are always amazing and SMART ...
WEll you know me.. I hate spending so much time on something.. i am always in a hurry for some reason...
SO i always tend to make up my mind really fast.. and when I am confused i never think of sitting and spending time trying to make up my mind.. I just call one of my close friends or cousins and ask them to make the decision for me.. Of course i dont always do as they say.. but what they suggest always helps me make up my MIND.. Oh yeah and people who spend a lot of time trying to decide sometimes frustrate me .. hehe .. ;p
BTW its really bad how i always hurry into making a decision.. :S But its me and i cant slow DOWN ...
It doesnt always work to my advantage ..
hehe over the mouse click analogy... as for decision making; whatever you do, dont regret it. regreting doing something is not going to fix anything, and is only gonna make you feel worse. just be happy with what you do
i dont usually regret the things ive done. what i do regret, however, is many of the things i DIDNT do!
i think the smartest thing to do is involve people in ur decision making an not have ppl make the decisions for you!
its never easy
but we get thru it!
I'm a double click kinda gal. It helps if the motivation is to help others, if no such motivation is present, I still double click (for instant gratification purposes of course)...If it involves conserable financial loss/gain...well, then I'd right click. As for the rest, I go as life leads:)
@ Cat -- Because it's not easy, you should challenge it. But wait, never get too risky. After all, it depends on the situation. "balance" is the magic word here, I'd say.
@ Kj -- NEVER REGRET! Regreting is like "not wanting to learn" :P. Just accept your mistake and avoid it in the up coming stage.
And yup, people do waste a lot of time trying to decide. That's okay if the situation is about something that could change your life forever. Eg/ Marriage. But God, some people spend HOURS trying to decide on which meal to eat!!!! lol
@ Navy girl -- Girl you read my mind :P ;)
@ Fast Lane -- Good point. "THINKING" should never be neglected even when all you've got is two seconds to decide.
@ Orangina Fadidra -- YUp ;) The "What ifs" can go on forever but that's just "say", whereas your decision is something you "live". So go for what takes you a step further in life! =)
@ S.Mad -- Thanks hehe... Yup some people fear that if they make a wrong decision they would blame themselves forever. So, what they do is they let someone else make that decision for them. Guess when do I use this strategy? I think you've seen me do this a couple of times... I do that when ordering a meal at a restaurant. i make the waitess choose for me! :P It's fun to not know what they'd surprise you with.
@ Ammaro -- YEAHHHH Talk about regreting not doing THIS or THAT .... lol. (which only encourages people to not fear wrong decisions but this doesn't mean that we should be dumb and blindly decide on things) :P
@ Eshda3wa -- Nice way of putting it. Involving them without letting them be the decision makers ;)
@ Lamya -- I sense a balance there ;) A smart person is one who knows when to switch between being a "right-clicker" and being a "double-clicker" !
Just wanna drop by and say hello. Missed you so much! ;* Will be back, promise. ;)
@ CeCe -- Heyyy... Miss you too walla... and GIRL YOU KEEP DISAPEARING!! You better be back SOOON :P
Interesting, it gave a hard tap in my head! lol :D
@ Joel -- Hey there Joel. Long time! and Thanks ;)
Exams kept me away! I'm done with them finally :D
@ Joel-- Lucky you Joel. My exams didn't start yet. My nightmare is yet to come true.
Love the click analogy :)
Agree, there are no 'wrong' decisions ...just lessons to be learned.
Here's a question: What makes a decision 'right' or 'wrong' anyway?
*goes to reflect on her own life decisions*
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