Time passes. It starts to get late. People gradually surrender and leave. Finally, you are left alone. You just know that you will live a very long mind-numbingly lonely night. The worst thing is that you know as a fact that this will happen tomorrow and after that and the next week and the week that follows; just the way it happened last night and the night before for the past few years. I’m always the last person to sleep and sometimes I don’t sleep at all. This problem has been bothering me for years. I’ve tried everything. I read books, I wrote poems, I watched movies and TV shows, I download sleeping therapy audio pieces such as “Water Creations”… Still, I stay awake.
Some nights, I find myself begging people to stay on the phone with me till I have fallen asleep because the night sometimes seems to not reach to en end. It is scary. The wind seems to carry voices and whispers; your imagination then takes you to places you don’t want to go. The more you curse this solitude the lonelier you feel.
It’s not always bad. Sometimes, in fact, I can’t wait till everybody leaves and the night is all mine to own. There is something about the quiet of the night that feels magically soothing. Sometimes it feels like ultimate “peace”. However, it is ironic how this silence urges you to appreciate the lively persona of day-life if that makes any sense to you.
So you helplessly live the lonely hours. You take a walk inside your mind and you recall your past, analyze your present and try to imagine bits and pieces of your future. In this little journey you stumble, you tremble, you feel strong and sometimes weak, you smile and sometimes cry, you breathe smoothly and sometimes struggle to suck some oxygen into your lungs… and time just stops. Nothing else seems to exist but yourself. Everybody else is but a dead corpse. That is the freaky part.
Wait, there is a freakier part: somehow, you also die just like the rest. And just like them, with God’s will you also come back to life again in the morning.
Lonely nights do kill and they sure do set your imagination free to take you to places you don’t expect.
Tonight, my little brother is very sick. I’m taking care of him so I’m not totally alone. This reminds me of the Arabic saying: Ma9a2ebo 8awmin 3inda 8awmin fawa2ido. Poor Khalid. I do feel bad for him, don’t get me wrong haha.
"The wind seems to carry voices and whispers; your imagination then takes you to places you don’t want to go. The more you curse this solitude the lonelier you feel.
So you helplessly live the lonely hours. You take a walk inside your mind and you recall your past, analyze your present and try to imagine bits and pieces of your future. In this little journey you stumble, you tremble, you feel strong and sometimes weak, you smile and sometimes cry, you breathe smoothly and sometimes struggle to suck some oxygen into your lungs… and time just stops. Nothing else seems to exist but yourself. "
This post, and these parts in particular reminded me so much of myself I had to go back and re-read it just to make sure it wasn't a figment of my imagination. I hate these nights, ones where you are at the mercy of sleep...not knowing when it will have pity on you and give in. It's not half as agonising when everything's fine and dandy in your life; then you tend to think happy thoughts, and occasionally, even want to stay awake so you can revel in them. The worst befalls when your life is entirely the opposite...I underwent a similar, horrible horrible horrible night last night; I could write a thesis.
Don't take this the wrong way but, it feels good to know...someone feels similar.
Thank you dear sister.
P.S:- I re-posted the comment because of a copy-paste error.
You made me live the moment =)
Cancerian as usual Mind BLOWING posts.. What you say are so true and i feel its something almost everyone experienced.. Your posts always make me think of things i never really thought of before --> its a good thing..
I really miss your posts and miss my comments on them even more LOL ..
Keep them COMING .. ;p
@ Manutdfanatic-- I know exactly how you feel and i'm not taking it the wrong way cuz trust me i'm the happier person here to know that you also feel the same way! haha But walla it kills, doesn't it?!
@ Moh'd-- Well, cuz you were up you were already living it :P
@ S.Mad-- I MISSS YOU TOOOOOO... and am glad you like my posts :)
Mashallah!!! Very very very well-written! :O Mashallahhhhhhh!
Sweetheart, you are *good*. No wait.. you're the best. No wait.. you're the bestest! *hands you the Nobel Prize*
Love how real your posts are- with all that fluidity. Honey.. you have to get published. Seriously!
Hope Khalid gets well soon!!! Love how you laughed and changed the mood at the end. I was almost tearing, lol! Seriously! :)
Mwahhhh xx
hope khalid get well soon ...
I know how you feel, I go through this on a daily basis.. The night is my friend and the night is my enemy. I hope your brother is feeling better..
@ Maya-- Thanks honey walla your comment made me smile... actually i'm still smiling. And khalid does feel a whole lot better el 7emdilla ;)
@ Outofreach-- He does el 7emdilla. Thanks :D
@ Fourme-- So true. It is a friend and it is an enemy. Couldn't have said it better :). Thanks.
Typical Cancerian ;)
I always used the expression ..
(The night hugs or holds my loneliness) :)
I hope your bro gets well soon :)
your post is so quite and nice...
hey you!
sorry ive lost touch ;(
thats the strongest post ive read in LONG time.. so i guess some good comes of sadness?
aah.. and trust me on this.. ur not alone with these feelings.. not alone at all..
but thats life.. i was just watching 3omar 3abdilkafy, and he was talking about how if if 40 days/nights, u dont feel some kind of depression/sadness/sickness.. then ur doing something wrong.. (as in sins)
kollo ajer inshallah :)
i have a womping idea
how about u send me an e-mail so i can add u on msn? :)
oh wait.. is it on ur profile?
ill go check
The yellow paragraph has all the truth in the world.
The night time is my time, the time when you ponder without any interruption, to immerse yourself into your rituals and thoughts. It has its indulgence and it has its stings.
The scary part is when you keep living it repeatedly and your days keep passing by, you can’t help to wonder is this how it’s going to be like? To keep living the same nights over and over? Is this the end that peeks at me?
Well, I try to keep myself too busy that when it hits me, it hits me hard that so many days have gone with the same grand theme and then I repulse back to engulf into busy life.
I adore the post, hold TOO much truth within.
@ Desert-Roses-- LONG LIVE CANCERIANS :P hehe Thanks
@ Amu-- Thanks Amu... and i hope you're feeling better and recovering fast.
@ PG-- Hey! Don't worry about it... i know i've lost touch too, sorry. Very interesting what 3omar 3abdelkafi said. I never knew that... i didn't even think of it this way. Makes me think ;)
And yeah, I'll add you on msn :D
@ Touche-- I love how you refered to the paragraph by its color ;P I'm really glad you liked this post. And yup, living the same night every night is just freaky... but thought-evoking at times as well.
Wow... I am truly amazed and shocked! Hit so many cords here!
Brilliantly written, you must be worshiped!
@KJ -- I MUST BE WORSHIPED?? WOW kalaaaaaam 5a6eeeeeeeer :D hehe Thanks and i'm glad you enjoyed the post.
Hey ..
Hope that ur bro is better now
@ Mitsuki -- He is better and up and about! Thanks for caring to ask. :)
insomniac? cant sleep? lots on your mind?
maybe you need to do something new in life?
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