Yes, your eyes are not all you have to be sighted for I have learnt that blind people can actually see around them, too. What we see is not necessarily what it seems from the outside and judging through stereotypes is definitely not how we should see those we interact with everyday or even those we meet for the first time. I can see now that not every Mexican plays guitar, not every Muslim prays five times a day, not every person follows a religion, parents don’t have all the answers, not all doctors understand pain, friends don’t have to be identical in their beliefs, home is not just shelter and furniture, you are loved but you are also hated, a language is not just words said differently as each language carries an entire culture inside it… and the list goes on and on.
With all that’s been said, having learnt all that, I must say I also learnt that feelings are an “easy come, easy go” type of thing. Depression is only temporary… a surprise is only felt for a moment… sadness can camp over your life but it leaves you alone afterwards. Happiness comes and entertains you from time to time (hopefully most of the time). So, feelings come in the shape of a cycle. Every feeling is seasoned with a special sensation. But once again, optimism and satisfaction are what I carry along with me these days throughout the different seasons of my emotions.
P.S: Image shot by "DOROO" --> http://doroo.deviantart.com/
"Sadness can camp over your life but it leaves you alone afterwards. Happiness comes and entertains you from time to time (hopefully most of the time). So, feelings come in the shape of a cycle. Every feeling is seasoned with a special sensation. But once again, optimism and satisfaction are what I carry along with me these days throughout the different seasons of my emotions. "
The whole post makes sense, and is beatifully written and put together. You're conclusion and connection in the end was simply stunning. =D
This is whole cycle and realization is a sign of maturity. =D
Hey DEEDEE.. Thanks your comment means a lot and i'm really glad you liked what i wrote. :)
ya3ni laish thank you? =P
I should thank you for sharing such deep thoughts ;)
I read it twice :) so you can know how much i liked it! Like Dynamic said the whole cycle and relization is a sign of maturity :D
amu you read it twice !?!? WOW I am so glad you loved it and i appreciate your comment :D
Wow. This looks like a good post. Will come back to read it again and probably add something...
way to go girl .. i think what you just said is your first step into this world .. and i mean the real world .. where you can’t believe your own eyes sometimes ..
oh Navy girl tell me about not believing your own eyes! loool and hey THAAAANKS A LOT your words were a great support :D
Girl, you could publish a book and I would be the first one to buy it! :D
Publishing a book is one of my goals in life.... and to know that you can see potential in me, is an indiscribable feeling :D THANKSSSS
;* anytimes hun
Beautiful post :)
Thank you Nick :D
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