ATC = Air Traffic Control
You can call us all crazy but walla it’s addictive!
This is the link:
You can listen to different countries in different regions. Dubai’s tower doesn’t work online so Kuwait is the closest to us that’s why we’re listening to Kuwait’s tower. We’re enjoying the conversations between the controllers and pilots.
We were so high last night and we got so excited each time we heard them announce the landing or take off of a plane.
We also got excited each time they said “Emirates… good morning”
Ya3ni you can say we’re literally 3aysheen el “jaw” loool
Shoo ensawwy? Malal w mashay la sha’3la w la mash’3ala… fa we’re not to be blamed if we’re acting like weirdos!
So anyway just I thought it would be interesting to share this with you guys!
I AM SO ADDICTED !! ITS LIKE WEED .. I LITERALLY CANT STOP LISTEING TO IT .. PLUS --> i get so annoyed when it doesnt work.. ALTHOUGH me and cancerian dont really understand whats going on we still ENJOY IT .. hehe
Thanks 3aroofi for the Link --> although i sometimes curse you for getting me addicted i still LUV IT .. ;p Issa when you become a real pilot YOU HAVE TO LET US KNOW WHERE YOUR LANDING --> Just so we can listen.. and and you have to say 'Sarah reine des femmes'. ;p
LOL... !!! Yeah very addictive.. and they sometimes say funny stuff forgetting that the mic is still on!
S.Mad... Issa tried to explain to me the codes lol.. it's such a headache! I still blame 3aref.
That day Moh'd and Reez missed the crazy convo walla. lol
Hey! My father works at the towers! =D This is so cool! I didn't know this. I tried clicking on Kuwait's feed, but couldn't hear anything. I will tell daddy about this link... THANKS! ;D
WOW CECE I"m sure we heard your dad a million times... tell your dad to cough whenever he talks so we know which one he is! hehehe
See.... now it's exciting ;) lol
OMG Cece thats so COOL.. Im sure we heard you dad lena we are listening to this 24/7 .. Tell him his JOB ROCKS..
*LOL* I'll make sure to tell him that! ;P~ I might even ask him to mention your names. *LOL* His next duty is 2 days from now, though... ;)
Haha Imagin he mentions our NAMEs .. THat would be amazing and funny.. ;p
S.MAD!!! I DELETED YOUR POST To PROTECT YOU from being acused of criminal acts... YOUR POST was FULL of typing ERRORS! hehehehe
Cancerian 3nd el fe'6aye7 !!
omg S.MAD!!!! ba3ad you have typing error there! Fix it yalla... lol hehehehe
OH SORRY .. 3n**
hehehe... la la inti el youm mob 6abee3ya. usually kalamich perfect! mob minnich min el ATC. Allah ysame7 3aref
LIve life..live with ATC 24/7 and experience the real thing. The more I listen to ATC, the more horrified I get about how our lives are dependant on the commands of a few on the ground whilst we jet through the dark cold skies at +30000 feet.
LOL aref... first you advertise then you SCARE us by pointing out that frightening fact. But very true.. i was thinking it too
:D hehe
Thanks for passing by !!!
LOL !! Aref --> Very technical comment but so true..
wow sounds fun :) I will surely try it once I am back to normal life.
Muchas gracia reeeeeeeeeemmmooo____
espero que usted me oiga en esto ATC
Inshallah /!!!!!
haré piloto y puedo ligar con esos el ATC atractivo
*****ICE***** ===> Suck ice ull be addicted :P
Issa we cant wait to hear you on ATC.. yalla work hard and inshalah you will MAKE IT.. its in our BOOLD to ROCK at everything.. ;p
Amu: Yes trust me it's fun! lol
Anonymous (ICE): LOOL No es chistoso !!! AL TODO!! lool
si... quiero verte en el SUIT de los pilotos ;)
Ojala !!
S.Mad: You mean BLOOD lol
LOL DAMN !! My typing is alpha-dogged UP !! excuse me ... :(
LOL i cant believe i said u got HIGH on ATC woman tryin gettin high for real! haha u need it... the ATC man made me feel dizzy and as if i was in the plane i was gonna throw up... but i have to admit its fun to lsn to but not like u guys! too much hahahah
Peace, Mimi
S.Mad: Lol@Alphadogged up. That movie was something
Mimi: Look who's talking about getting high! Yeah i remember how you got dizzy and kept complaining! lol
S.MAd.... which reminds me... i only watched one episode of WEEDs... it seemed interesting and I'll soon watch the second episode. Thanks for giving me season one.
anytime cancerian.. it is addictive, once you start you wouldnt wanna stop !! 9dg ineh weed.. The comments here chenah chat log.. now we talking about episodes.. haha
yeah... manyooz 3an 7arakatna w hethrebanna illi maywaggef.
hey aby !! bs i dont know how to work it out !! i tried clicking out the KWT icon but it wont work !! aby aby i wana try :D
Sounds cool...but for some reason I can't play...maybe coz I don't have iTunes....is there any other way I can get it work???
fadaaaaaaaaaaawaaaa :P
but then im not the one to talk.
i get on the net like 5 hours a day in the summer :p
Navy girl + Sugar-free Sugar + Palo girl: Thanks for passing ;) And by the way I don't know why it's not working.... and even if you don't have iTunes it's supposed to work with VLC and MP3 player I guess. With me, it worked with both iTunes and VLC player.
Hmmm... try again :S Cuz walla t3eeshoon jaw! LOL
Yeah keep trying it takes time, and sometimes it doesnt work.. But trust me its worth it.. SO KEEP TRYING.. you wont regret.
LOL S.Mad tsawwy da3aya.. w i thought I'm the one studying advertising.
S.Mad, create a blog!
CeCe: I keep telling S.Mad that she should! Yemkin Allah yehdeeha w tesma3 kalamich inti. :P
Hehe, You know i never beleived in blogging or anything like that.. I never would have even thought of reading peoples blogs.. However since cancerian made this blog and started sending me the links to her posts I noticed how i really enjoy reading what she says.. and still i never thought of commenting UNTIL she made .. NOW I enjoy reading her posts and I enjoy commenting on them even more.. hehe I was thinking today of creating one.. BUT then again I feel like I would never know what to write about.. Someone needs to open a topic for me to blab about I am not really good at creating my own topics.. ;p I think ill stick to commenting on Cancerian posts until I bother myself to write my own post.
until she made me** !! ..
Sara M. lol @ your blog story!
One day mabtegdreen tyawdeen 3mrich w betsaweeen blog 7alich 7alna!
And walla I feel so glad when you enjoy reading any of my posts! :D *HuGZ*
You are an amazing writer and I feel I can always relate to the topics you chose to write about.. 9dg youm eygoloon ne7en couple lol ..
Cancerian you have inspired me a lot and I feel like I completly changed after getting to know you.. --> changed to the better akeed.. ;p
*Hugs & Kisses*
S.Mad...lol@ couple.. Now they'll think we're lez! (Just so you guys know.. me and S.Mad are always seen together so it came out as joke that we're a couple 5ala9! lol)
I'm glad i've been of good influence on you ( i hope LOOL) Cuz you know how crazy i can be *oops*
And hey.. knowing you made me less lazy and pushed me into adding activeness in my life...
Example: Body Combat :P hehe
This post's comments are such a chat log!!!! You noticed?! LOL
HAHA .. Yeah we are not lez. We are just an amazing DUO ..
Im glad I added more activities to your life.. ;p YOu added more KNOWLEDGE to mine.. Yeah i was so much DUMBER before i met Cancerian... 'MY SPELLING ALSO IMPROVED' !!
cancerian the comments on this post not only changed to a CHAT LOG, BUT now we are also using it to compliment one another LOL ..
The prob. is that we are using this blog to chat and we have MSN open and are chatting to each other while posting those comments.. --> this is LAME lol ..
SHUT UP @ "so much dumber before i met cancerian"
LOOOOL @ compliment one another
and the BIGGEST LOL + DUH @ THIS IS LAME!! hehehehehee
LOL !! Lame but FUN .. ;p
YAY !! now it does work !!! ambeeeeeeeh its all numbers :P bs hey i don't understand anything !! lol bs i think its fun !! to work over there ! :D
Navy Girl: yeah... we also don't understand... bas 3aysheen el jaw! lol.. we have 3aref and Ice (issaa) to explain sometimes. It's a headache.
Whats amazing about it is that you don’t really have to understand whats going on to enjoy listening to it..
This link is really influencing me I even forced Aref to teach me how to differentiate between different types of planes.. --> now i wanna go to the airport look at planes land and see if I can tell the difference. ;p
S.MAd: 5ala9 you just won yourself a scholarship at Dubai Aviation College! LOL *applause*
Haha !! The prob is you cant get your pilot license from there.. ;p
I WANNA FLY AIRFORCE PLANEs..AND GO TO WAR .. That would be amazing.. Kila min Issa he made me watch the movie 'TopGun' .. Now I want to join the army..
OMG s.MAD!!! NO!!! THAT's TOO MUCH 3ad!
I think you should stay away from the ATC for a while honey... the influence is beyond all norms now. LOL
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