In a few hours I'll leave to Oman... The embassy called and asked that I must be there as soon as possible due to an article I have written online about Oman. It was a horrible article and God I'm in trouble :( What do I do? There's no way out of this and I'm so doomed. God, did I have to write that article with the horrible things in it?! :(
I may never come back... Only God knows what's to happen to me :( Why do I always cause myself these problems... Only this one is really too much. Nothing could get worse! :( God what did I cause my family.... my friends..... :(
This is me saying goodbye. Please .... whoever's reading this... I need your prayers that things would be okay and I would find my way out of this huge trouble :(........ I need your prayers!

I'm going to Oman with my family to visit this place called "Al Jabal Al Akhdar" (The green mountain) and we're going to have fun and as we say "En'3ayyer Jaw" ;)
Well, my mother forced me to go with them. I didn't wanna go because we're going with my YOUNGER SIBLINGS (in other words: Annoying people) ...But at the same time heeeey I love Oman so much... I've visited it about two times before... but a long time ago. I have never been to Al Jabal Al Akhdar, though. So yup I DOOOOO want to go. Wished Moh'd was with us though. The dumb idiot is having a blast in CHINA!
Anyway.... so I'm going and you guys take care. Enjoy your time with whatever it is you enjoy doing whenever it is you enjoy doing it whatever way you enjoy that! :P
Ciao amigos...
PS: Yes, I'll miss you.... maybe.... hmmm.... ok I will ;)
-- Canc3rian
Oh my God! I was about to freak out SERIOUSLY!!! You devilish angel!
Have loads of fun in Oman. I am gonna miss you so much. Seriously. I am already missing you a9lan... :(
ooh have fun in Jabal Al-akhthar, and please verify its greenness for the rest of us..:)
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you freaked me out. I was like half way through your post and thinking do I know someone there to help her out......forgiven :P I am thinking how to take my revenge *joking*
Have fun and a safe trip :) and I needs pictures as a gift from there :D
OMG Cancerian !! I swr if I didnt talk to you on the Phone everyday and knew every detail of your life I would have beleived that !!
Hehe Nice Post. ;p You should be called the 'Prank Queen' lena seriously you ROCK at it..
I will miss ya LIKE JEHANAM !! PLease lat 6awleen and come back.. And ill call you everyday to waste your credit hehe.. =D
I would have asked for chocolate but Omani chocolate no thanks.. So Yeah Bring amazing Pics back with YOU Instead..
Luv Ya and Miss ya already.. Hope You HAVE FUN !! Muwaaa7
You almost got me'mon ur little siblings can't be that bad...I mean they are kids...little me they will give u the time of ur life...hehehe...(inshallah)...wo ma awa9eech bel nice pics sis...have fun and bring me some good 7alawa Omaniya...have a safe trip..*HUGZ*
have a nice time! :)
hey you scared the hell outta me :| god your mean :D
you have fun girl lot of it :D i'm sure i'll miss you .. enty ooo DD are gone now :(
laa bs have fun oo tro7een o trdeen blsalama :***
awwwww im gonna miss yooou :(
and heeey tara u freaked me out :p
i was this close to cussing u out inside my head! :p
have fun :)
lool 5oosh daGA;P i actually fell for that :p tro7en wetreden bil salama
I was kinda worried too, lol. Have a wonderful time in Oman. It looks beaufitul!
¡QuerrĂ© ver muchos fotos cuando vuelvas, chica! ¡Vaya con Dios!
This dude was playing with this cool instrument
I thought he was a gigantic pot *laughs*
oo ana 3abaly 9ej :D
anyway, enjoy the trip... allah y7afethkom :D
LOL great intro :D
Have fun over there and take loads of pix
You got me galbii 6aa7!
aRE YOU back yet? =P I hope you are having fun!
I love oman! ;)
LOL I'm glad you all got freaked out.. I mean come on, if not, then my planned didn't work!
Anyway... thanks Dr.CECE, Umi, Amu,S.Mad, Sugar-free Sweetie, Joel, Navy Girl, Palo girl, Pearls (and welcome to my blog), Nick Macrae, Meticulousness (and wlecome to my blog),Rekoo, Magical Droplets & Dynamic Deeds!!!
I had a great time in Oman... It was a nice road trip. I'll be posting soon about it. I'm just busy with family recently and my laptop died on me. I will update you about everything soon Inshalla ;)
I missed everyone really...
Dynamic... it's your turn to come back home! UFF YALLA I MISS YOU SO MUCH!
Yay! YOU'RE BACK! *runs to hug you* I've missed you so much!!! =D Yallah!!! Update... I am waiting... ;***
Dr. cece... Yeah I want to update... inshalla soon ;) and *HUGZ TIGHT* SO GREAT TO BE HOME walla... :D
I cant WAIT for your Oman POST !
Gosh, I really fell into your trick at first,lol:P
cute blog though =)
Slumber soul: Thanks for passing by and you too have a cute blog ;)
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