Later, I went for a walk and I walked alone. Sometimes I like to be left alone. I just walked and breathed in the fresh breeze and I saw that to my left there was an old lady at the shore sitting looking tired and lazy. I felt her eyes following me as I walked along the shore in my extra bright orange mini-shorts and my long wavy hair that danced with the breeze. To my right, there was a young lady swimming with her baby who looked no older that six months. If I were to guess her age I’d say she’s 25. It was just too obvious that it’s her first baby and they looked amazing together.
A thought crossed my mind just right then. To the old lady observing me, I was her dream of youth and health. I was her long lost spirit of ambition and her very own self esteem. Yet, to the lady playing joyfully with her baby at the shore, I was but a sign that she’s blossomed into her golden age of maturity and complete independence as she settled with her life and formed her own family. So, to me, she was what I am to yet reach. And to her, I was what she has gladly and successfully left behind and made through.
So I walked along the shore feeling like I separated two different worlds and two different themes of dreams. There are things in life… very simple things in life… that amuse you. Their significance could be so profound most of the time. Will I one day become like that young mother with the beautiful baby and later become that old woman wishing I was who I am right now again? Such things just pull the triggers of an endless river of thoughts. You never know what tomorrow hides for you… if tomorrow comes that is!
AMAZING POST .. It really made me think of where I am heading .. My Future --> something i never really spent time thinking about. It scares me to know that one day I will be old and have to look back at how my life use to be rather than just being young and waiting for what the future upholds. Now I know and feel like I still have a lot to accomplish in this life, I am not even half way through.. there are many events I still have to experiance. I cant imagin my self being old and having the feeling that I did all I could and there is nothing else left to do.. Its sacry.. its like you are just waiting to DIE !!
S.MAd: Thanks @ ur lovely comment. :D
I know what you mean... yes there's a lot that we want to experience and a lot that we HAVE to experience... and "what does man know anyway" ;)
Life is a scary journey and there is no way out.. ;p
I made the mistake of working in an old folks hospice when I was 18. Since then I have been obsessed with my future and with planning.
If I had to live this life more than once, its shine would dull. When I get old, I know I will have lived every day uniquely, and be happy to let others have their chance. Maybe she has not lost her self esteem...
Shale of agnon: Why do you call it a mistake... helping old folks and caring for them is the most rewarding thing on earth. ;)
I don't believe in regret.. i believe in learning from mistakes and smiling at them knowing you;ve gained more knowledge..
Who said she lost her self esteem?
Thanks for passing Shale. Long time... where have you been?
Learn from your actions and dont regret them.. I think its always better to live the present and let the future for the future --> everything will happen when the time is right and everything happens for a reason.. Whats meant to happen will happen ..
S.Mad: True !!
I think I should get a course from you on how to catch a string out of my floating thoughts and write it all down smoothly and beautifully...
It's the stages of life. Amazing, isn't it?
And Oh Sara M... Each time i come across an old person I try to imagine what their life was like when they were our age... what sort of crazy things they did... what great achievements they have... what interesting experiences they lived...
Then I think... Wow, I wonder what they feel about all the memories!
CeCe: Thanks for the compliment... I enjoy getting criticism from comments... that's how I improve my writing and build a wider perspective. =D
Yeah, so true.. I always try to imagin how their lives were...
Erm, it has been about 5 days. I live online. It worries me how much time I am online.
I was actually working on a building site doubling the size of an old folks hospice. By hospice, I do not mean a place where people go to live. People go their to die, probably after they are too old to be in an old folks home. Death has a smell.
I know that. I have known the difference between their and there since I was about 5 years old. Why do I still type or write the wrong thing?
I used to be confused between except and expect.
wow.. i loved it..
"Such things just pull the triggers of an endless river of thoughts."
i know exactly what u mean!!
id say more, but uve said it all in ur post ;)
Shale of Agnon: Oooh so now I mean what you mean by hospice. :O I wonder what it feels like to work somewhere like that. And hey I'm also online almost 24/7 and it worries me too Haha!
CeCe + Shale : lol@spelling mistakes
I know what you mean... it happens to me too.
Palo: Glad you loved the post... I love your entire BLOG! :)
I know what you mean***
uff... People's problem is Spelling and my biggest problem is SWALLOWING words! lol
Oh, a peculiar thought: As we read what we write we see it correctly, and yet, more often than not, it is full of crap. Is our perception that lousy in everything? To what extent do I see what I want instead of what is really there?
The best thing about future is in not knowing what is in store for you
Mean and meen? AHHH! *runs around naked*
Shale: Interesting thought. People psychologically see what they want in something rather than seeing everything in something. Sometimes you write something and believe that it's brilliant only to discover afterwards that you were completely wrong! And after a while you tend to tell youself "aah what was I thinking?" But not necessarily. However, the lousiness in our perspective does exist from time to time. It's amazing how your perspective changes and what's even more amazing is how you KNOW that it changes because your thoughts improved. I love it when this happens.
Joel: You're right... which creates what we call anticipation! ;)
Cece: WEAR YOUR CLOTHES!!! hahaha
What about "wear" and "where" :P
This could get worse: wear, were, and where! *runs around naked again! LOL*
More like bear and bare ? :P hehe
(hmm it looks like game now)
I have no words, its an Amazing post...A sentence just touched my heart while reading 'Such things just pull the triggers of an endless river of thoughts'
Amu: Thanks for your sweet comment... It really made me smile :) Good to know you're back bro ;)
I love these walks on the beach. You would always see someone who as you said, "pull the triggers of an endless river of thoughts."
What I sometime do is try to 'read' the present, past and possibly future of the people who are sitting alone on a bench staring into the sea.
Too often, i see myself in their faces.
Great post, kinda triggered my river of thought :D
Hey Magical Droplet... Thank you very much!! I know what you mean and I do exactly the same ;)
So interesting...
I enjoy it when I just sit blankly only to get lost in my thoughts whenever wondering about anything... whatever it may be.
Or meet and meat!? :/ :O ;P~
a7la shay nice to mEAT you. :P
*LOL* Et9adgeen... 7addich latheetha! ;P~
i agree that life is scary but i am view i dont think its good to think of what will happen . i think its something great to have faith in live your life without making things complicated
CECE: LooooL
Beautiful Eyes: You have a huge good point there.. ;) Thanks for passing by my blog.
yeah...we have a lot to miss, but if we don't look ahead we might get lost in our past, it's mistakes, it's glory and it's misery!
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