Here’s a pic I came across while surfing the net. It has most of the characteristics of a Cancerian. The symbol of Cancer (the star sign, not the disease :S) is the crab and that’s because it’s aquatic. It says:
Tenacious – Yes, I can be stubborn!
Intuitive – agree
Perceptive – agree
Protective – yup!
Supportive – I really must agree
Helpful – I hope!
Encouraging – I hope!
Home loving – SUPER BIG TIME!
Dependable – I hope!
Caring and Kind – YES I AM! Ha-ha
Devoted – I must agree
*Imaginative* - Extremely!! (with a hint of drama)
Sensitive – But people hardly ever see this in me
Compassionate – STRONGLY AGREE
Self-reliant – at least I try my best
Nicer than everyone else – FACT!! =P
Tenacious – Yes, I can be stubborn!
Intuitive – agree
Perceptive – agree
Protective – yup!
Supportive – I really must agree
Helpful – I hope!
Encouraging – I hope!
Home loving – SUPER BIG TIME!
Dependable – I hope!
Caring and Kind – YES I AM! Ha-ha
Devoted – I must agree
*Imaginative* - Extremely!! (with a hint of drama)
Sensitive – But people hardly ever see this in me
Compassionate – STRONGLY AGREE
Self-reliant – at least I try my best
Nicer than everyone else – FACT!! =P
hehe, well I just thought it would be cute to share this here. Now you all know the reasons behind my nickname <3
Very Cute
Yeah you are Nicer than everyone else !! it is a FACT ..
so that's your definition :)
but.. nicer than me? :P
just kiddin'
hmmm!! interesting!
ReKoo: Well you see... because I will lie and say that you are nicer than me it will technically make me nicer! hehehe.... 5ala9 kilna nice =P lol
Joel: :) Thanks
You nailed it gurl. All of it is true about me 2...and yes we cancerians really are nicer than everyone else :D
LOL @ yr answer to rekoo.
Magical Droplets: hehehe See you andn I we set the perfect example of our kind :P You Rock ;)
yay nice pic :D tell me where did you find that :D you know what girl we are so much alike wala :P bs ana aries !! i hate it i know nothing about it @@ oo kel ma i ask my friends they go madry !! :D
Hey nevy girl! It's cool to know that we're alike walla :D
About the pic walla one day i was just googling and i came across it so I dont know the site very well. I googled your star sign and i found one that's similar to mine :D
Here's the link.
If it didn't work please let me know :D
Omg Navy Girl... I just read what's written in yours and i don't see the characteristics in you! When you check out the link you'll know what I mean!!!
hehehe...I can agree with all of that...But hey, with the last one you need to compete with me sis..lol..just kidding...may these nice attributes never leave the beautuful soul of Canc3riaN...
I came across the Aquarius (my zodiac sign) version of this pic some time ago. I loved it too. :)
But what about the other pic? you know, the one with all the negative traits of Cancerians..;)
Sugar-free Sweetie: 7abeeebty walla... :D
Umi: Are you the Umi I think you are? lol.. Wait there's another pic?? hehehhe... and hey thanks for passing by :D Appreciated a lot
Umi: Heyyy I found it!!!I found the bad me!! heheh
Navy Girl: And I found the good yoU!!! Check this link
This has the characteristics that are you :D
SO cancerian of you!
I must say everything mentioned above fit you ;) hehehe *mwah*
iF anyone disagree sends them to me I WILL Give them Cancerian education!
miss yaaaaa
ps. I've updated, incase it doesn't shows late 3ndech!
yay it looks nice thanks love :****
bs heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey i think i get what you mean lol and noooooooo its not true lol :D
oh hell yeah i'm sure the 2nd one is more like me :P
thx i love it :*
Ambaih 7adda cute el post! :D I'm an Aquarius. ;) MISSED YOU!!! ;***
DEEDEEE: HEEEEY MUAAAAAAH how are you??? Missss ya. Are you using your Etty number? or you have a euro number? Msg ME :@
Here's your good side:
Here's your bad side:
Knowing you very well made reading your poster fun because I laughed at some characteristics and you'll see what I mean! heheh
Navy Girl: Yeah I didn't know there was a good and bad pic for each star sign. Ufff my good pic is very good and my bad pic is very bad! I will NEVER POST IT It's my dark secret now!! hehehe *shush*! lol
CECE: CEECEEEE I MISSSS YA MORE WALLA! sha5bar el furniture :D ?? yal aquariusiyaaaa check out your bad side:
And here's your good side:
enjoy ;) It's lovely! hehe
Ambaih most of 'em are true. 7atta el bad side :/... :P Thanks. Where did you get that from?
Sugar-free sweeety: THAAAANKS :D :D !!!!!let me look for yours!
CECE: At first i was googling when i bel 9edfa found the cancer thingy... then it turned out that they all come from this site: www.allposters.com
Oh sugarfree... you're a Taurus ;)
They say we don't get along (cancerians and Taurus's) but that's CRAP i mean look at us :P
So here's your good and bad ;)
Good :
Enjoy :D
he he he he wana me to look it up :P
OoPS! lol
hmmmm i guess cancerians are okay :P
leos rock though 0:)
Aquarius are the best! :P
Oh My God!! You guys are gonna fight here in my blog where it says that I'm the nicest person on earth? AaaaaaaaH ... heheheh..!!
Palo Girl: Leos are awesome
CeCe: Aquariuses too... hehe
buttom line.... we're all cool and we're all nice and kilna enjannin ! :P
PALO check out your good and bad..
I feel at home when I am here checking out your blog. Don't ask!
CECE: awww... !!!!! *hugZzzz*
as a <<< cancerian >>> =P I appreciate home in the sense of HOME not just ya3ni the four walls.. ya3ni the coziness and all these things if you know what I mean <3
For some reason the link doesnt work!
I want:( :( :( !!
Sho el original link!
OOh I mean =P u sorta have this thing aganist my :( !!
DeeDee: Yes i do.... yalla stop the sad face!!! And actually I never opened the pic from its original site. I'll get you the pic and send it to you via msn :P
so do I know your secrets now :) very nice
Amu: Oopsy I hope noT! lol
crabby, grouchy, lazy, tied-to-home, jealousy-prone and clingy...
Ha ha.
Sexy isn't it ;) :P hehehe
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