People are like mirrors to each other. One never unleashes their potential until they start to appreciate it well. But they only learn what it is worth when they see others with the same potential. Only then does a pulse run through the veins of creativity evoking motivation and urging one to desire success… to take that one extra step further. Yes, that is us: humans! We have this jealousy inside us. We get the thrills of competition into reaching triumph. Sometimes for ourselves, sometimes to prove a point, sometimes to hurt someone and sometimes it is plain curiosity and experimentation. It’s funny how this jealousy goes under the umbrella of “motivation”. It’s so fascinating how such an emotion that is viewed as the evoker of negative intentions, could lead to the open road of massive success. Funny how people know just well enough how jealous they are but never would they ever admit it. Not even a hint of self-confrontation!
This isn’t the jealousy between lovers or siblings… This jealousy is of another flavor. No harm in it… nobody hurt… only more productive efforts and countless inventions of methods to reach to the top. Everybody feels it… but nobody admits it. It’s just like fear, love, anxiety, nervousness, happiness or sadness…etc. It’s a normal sensation that all humans get every now and then. And as mentioned before, people are like mirrors to each other. You know you have a certain potential and you work on improving it. But, you work even harder when you see someone with the same potential. It becomes as though this person reflected to you what you got and shoves into your face the indication that you have nothing special until you prove you can do more than that… until you break the record.
This is one of the things I always come to realize about the people around me. Life is a marathon! Time has no check point. It doesn’t stop at any station… we run this marathon trying to win time and trying to prove that we have more and are capable of breaking every record in history… and you know what’s our fuel? It’s that jealousy feeling. I hate how people look at it as jealousy. I’d rather call it motivation… or competition.
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You must not feel obliged to come and visit me. An invitation is not an intimation. Also know that if you click on one of my ads I'm promised to earn a couple of cents for that: I would feel happy and rewarded (because I realy need it!!!) if you did click it, but once again you're totaly free to do what ever you want. I, for instance, choose immediatly to click on one of your ads, in case you have them. To do so or not, that's the whole beauty of it all, however, blogocitizens must unite also by clicking-help eachother when we know cybermegacorporations profit from our own selfishness regarding to that simple click.
I think it's to UNITE MANKIND that we became bloggers! Don't see language as an obstacle but as a challenge (though you can use the translater BabelFish at the bottom of my page!) and think for a minute if I and the rest of the world are not expecting something like a broad cumplicity. Remenber that pictures talk also. Open your heart and come along!!!!!
Amazing POST as USUAL.. :D I am so proud of you.. Its so true we are all jealous and WE KNOW IT !!
I couldn't agree more!
wayed 3ejabny elpost; it's nicely-written! :D
Sara + Rekoo .. THANKS A LOT.. ! I appreciate and love your comments. =)
Nicely written as usual. I didn't think of jealousy has many definitions. Thanks.
=D thanks CECE.... I miss u btw!
Awww... I miss you too. I'm here ma re7t mukan. :D ;*
I am sure in languages other than English they have separate words for the many emotions we call Jealousy.
I do not agree with you though. If somebody wins a running race with me, I am usually okay. I am not that inclined towards running. If somebody small and fat wins a running race over me, then I am annoyed. Does this mean that I am jealous of them?
Whether I like it or not, we are born into different situations. I judge myself by how well I can do with my lot. If I see somebody with my lot or worse doing better than me, then it shows me that I am not trying as hard as I could. I want to be trying as hard as I can, so it motivates me.
Shale of Agnon: You didn't get me ... I was pointing out that people feel this rush of motivation inside them when they sense a competition... and they think it's jealousy.... so what I was saying is yes it's like jealousy but at the same it's not. It's pure motivation with a hint of competition which is only for the overall production of whatever it is in whatever field. In other words.. sometimes people even misunderstand themselves and their feelings.. they might think they're jealous when all they're feeling is great motivation.
But then again... I also mentioned that people never admit when they're really jealous.
Thanks for passing by =)
Okay i swallowed a couple of words up there...
- at the same TIME**
- which is only GOOD for the overall**
i hate it when i feel jealous !! i just try to keep it inside and try not to do anything about it .. to hurt anyone .. bs sometimes its just annoying !
Yes, people feel a rush of motivation when they sense competition. Why?
Navy Girl: Aham shay ma77ad yet'6arrar! lol
Shale: Interesting ya?
wow great post ;p
as i always say to myself..
it's just a matter of perspective :)
veeeeeery nice...but I do feel that this process can bring out some negative vibes and outcomes...I mean it does drive people to do things that will require them to break cultural and religious boundries which is sad...in some cases people will even sell their souls and bodies just to stay in the competetion and win it by hook or crook....eventually they may realize that at the end they have lost more than what they've gained and that moment would be really tragic....
thanxs sis for such a lovely post and keep up the good work...
Palo-Girl: You said the magic word! Perspective.
Sugar-Free Sweetie: Yup ..and here you see if one is using their brain wisely ;)
Thanks :D
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