In my side of the world, not many people know about Esperanto. Esperanto is a language that is constructed in around 1887 with the goal to create a “universal” second language. It’s a mixture of many different languages mostly Latin and European. If you speak French or Spanish or any of such languages then learning Esperanto would be a piece of cake!
I speak Spanish (although I believe my Spanish is rather grammatically jumbled up… and so is my poor French) and I speak English. As a result I’m learning Esperanto in no time :D. I’m always excited when it comes to learning languages. Of course I speak Arabic but Arabic is a totally different language haha.
In my opinion, although it is said that Esperanto is an international language that has been constructed to be the most common language for people to around the world, it just does not beat English. English always comes first in mind when two strangers meet, almost all the time and everywhere. Hmmm… makes you think huh…
So, I’m learning Esperanto and soon I will officially become your Emirati Esperantist :D
How many of you heard of this language anyway?
An EXCELLENT site to learn Esperanto is here. It is known world wide and it makes learning Esperanto a great experience. Through this site you can actually end tests and quizzes and get emailed back with comments and corrections from your online Esperanto teachers.
Jes, nun mi parolas Esperanton!
Ps: Up there is the Esperanto flag. (in case you're wondering)
i hate their flag .. looks like it came from Africa ;P
oh and i had no idea that language existed !! :D
hahahaha.. when i first saw their flag i thought it belongs to some Islamic republic ... doesn't it look like something like that?
BUT HEY 3an el '3ala6 3ad trani oficially esperantist (ta8reeban) hehehe
good luck :) thats all you need and its all with you :D
yes, i remember this language. Im suprised it still exists, does anyone still actually use it? English is currently the closest thing to a world language nowadays. I don't know why people bothered to come up with a new one as a world language, when they could just decide on an already used language and use that. But thanks for the reminder :) Where can we get a passport from?
Good luck on learning your new language!
Learning new languages is vital in keeping the braincells alive(seriously) :)
lol i have to learn japanese first :p
I've never heard of this language. Interesting.
yaaal sexy esperantist ;)
Good luck with it...
I admire ur hungerness (yes it is rm'9an) for learning new languages..
According to my EDU prof, it is easier to learn a new language bas up to the age 6 madre 7.. so it must be not easy, but ur a fast learner ow I admire the well u have ;) mashalaa
keep it up
No passports needed... lol if you speak it you're " it " ... that's all... and the language belongs to no particular country. And I guess that's why they bothered created a new language.. because most languages belong to somewhere.. and so they made this "new" language that is a mixture of everywhere's left overs hehe
and yes... i always wonder why people learn it when it obviously English is already taking over.. but only when i decided to learn it i understood why.. It's because they love languages and would love to experience speeking in tongues ;)
Shoush: Welcome. Thanks for the visit. :)
I saw a documentary about it when I was a child. It seemed really interesting, but then it turned out that English is the lingua franca, so I really do not need to learn Esperanto.
In a sense, however, English is an evolved Esperanto. Britain was never a single tribe, but was a constant influx of immigrants, always in trade with other cultures, and the English language was what was necessary to communicate. Then America and Australia, nations completely comprised of immigrants, adapted to speaking English rather than any other language.
If you look at the structure of English compared to other languages, it appears extremely basic. There is no gender for nouns, and verbs change almost insignificantly with the subject. Changing tenses is also very basic.
Much of the core of the language evolved to enable communication between people that spoke different languages, and, hence, the core of the language is quite simple. Nevertheless, to be an expert in English is something even most native speakers will never achieve.
Also, in my personal experience, English does not generate dialects. Different 'versions' of English are almost invariably (not including people from Glasgow) understandable by other English speakers.g
Yeah it's quite interesting how English, the most common language, has no dialects whereas other languages, almost never spoken outside their place of origin, have around tens and hundreds of dialects...
"Very basic language" could that be reason? Maybe.
Anyway... Yes, you don't need to learn Esperanto. Nobody has to... in my opinion Esperanto is a language born only to be dead! hehe But still, I love learning languages... I once learnt the basics of Welsh from a friend and they were impressed with my pronounciatioN! yippeee...
(that was six years ago.. i forgot every word)
Why don't you teach me some Irish words Shale :P ??
Cad ba mhaith leat a duirt? = what would you like to say?
= exactly: what would good be-to-you to say?
pronounce: cod baw wah latt ah doort
And I may have made a minor mistake. It is NOT a simple language, which has probably been one of the key reasons for its near-death these days.
never heard of it! :)
Goodluck sister :)
and.. thanks for this new info.. :D
*knock knock*
I only heard of this language recently from you .. hehe.. Mashalah you learn fast and you can easily get the accent right... I really admire you devotion to learning languages. I always wanted to learn and you know it.. but im useless heeh.. I give up i am so impatient.. WEll inshalah soon ill learn a languge.. you should FORCE ME ... I cant do anything unless im pressured .. I just want to get up one day and be fluent i really dont want to put the effeort for learning. Keep up your interst and linguistics and when your dont with Eperanto Find another language to learn.. ;p
I'd say a big NO to esperento..b cause there r just enough languages in the world already! *phew*
Shale: hmmm... how about " Thanks " and " hello " ? ;)
I guess I would agree on "NOT simple"
ReKoo: Thanks...
CeCe: AAAAAREEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUU BAAAAAAAACK ???? YA 7MARA (sorry) but I JUST HAD TO SAY It! Twallahna 3alaich wayed :@ :P
S.Mad: Uffff talk about your effortless attempts to learn languages! so much for our spanish sessions after our Body Combat sessions! hehehe
Sis4u: just think of all the weird dialects we have in Arabic! (yes compare lebanese to the arabic here in the gulf to morrocan and tunisian.....) Got a headache already! ..... let alone the rest of the languages with their dialects and accents! :O hehe
LOOOOOOOL ee just like Pakistan :P
a7m okay okay looooooool :P
hahahahaha Navy!
gracias por el comentario... a mi me hubiese gustado poder leer mas pero... mi ingles es muy malo!
un beso grande!
FLOR: ....Gracias por visitarme! Yo creo que tu blog es excellente y tiene cosas intersante... ;) Y no esta un problema si tu ingles es malo.... mi espanyol es malo tambien :P
Hello, you will probably like, because it is basically Salam Alaikum.
Hello = Dia duit; Dia = God and duit = you, but when I am giving you something, but I am obviously not giving you God, I am just saying God be with you (like Goodbye). pronounciation: dia = dee-ah and duit = gwit.
Thank you = Gurbh mhaith agat. Gurbh = abbreviated 'go raibh' = that their was. maith = good, but the h is put in sometimes depending on the preceding word. agat is the same as duit; it means you, but is used when particular actions are done to you. in summary, good be upon you. pronounciation: gurrov-moh-hagut, all said as one word.
Sorry, I hate when people give me phrases but do not break it down. I feel like am just parroting rather than speaking a language.
Hey Shale... thank you very much for taking the time to explain each word! lol@salam alaikom ;)
So I guess now I should start using "gurbh mhaith agat" with you :P
Navy girl Africa rocks. Shale,gaelic=so hot!Really..And cancerean I had never seen someone make a sentence in esperanto until you did. Wow.:) mashallah.I totally admire you.Im learning Afrikaans(a kind of Nederlands-dutch)and xhosa,an indigenous african language.:) my xhosa is not that good but the Afrikaans is coming along..
'click'hosa. How are you doing with Xhosa?
wow lamya thanks....
and heyyyyy Afrikaaans haaa ;) Lo'3a '3areeeba ya3ni interesting :P :D Best of luck and yalla share some words!
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