Friday, September 14, 2007

Inexperienced Talk

People… they always talk. Talk, talk, talk and talk. Be it about science, be it about life, be it about entertainment, be it about religion or be it about other people including themselves. Moreover, they never stop talking about their thoughts of surrounds them or even their thoughts of other people’s thoughts. Yes, people talk and they speak out their minds in numerous ways that they don’t even know it. Even introverts have their special methods of out-speaking their minds and inner thoughts even when without using ‘words’.

Now the topics that people discuss aren’t of the same core, are they? Sometimes if the topic is something you haven’t personally experienced it is acceptable to give your general opinion with a slightness of inconsequentiality. Sometimes, the topic is something so profound that you just have to have experienced it to give your opinion – keeping in mind that the way through which you give your opinion is to be highly considered as it could imply more aggressiveness than you desire. Ugly, wouldn’t it be?

I know somebody who is a sex freak. This somebody hadn’t even been in bed with anyone and they talk about every detail insisting that it is the precise description to the situation they’re talking about. Even when discussing the matter with people who have had sex everyday in their life for years and years, this person would still put some philosophy and some theories mixed with their very own aggressive judgment. If the experienced person started to argue, this inexperience person would snap as if that person knows nothing. Wait, now didn’t you just say you have never had sex? How come you’re so sure? Yes some things are “duh” facts and some things go under the umbrella of what we call “our own views” or our own opinions but that doesn’t make us the masters of it until we actually get into the arena of living the process itself.

Question (and I really want an answer): Could someone become a MASTER of something when they didn't try it? can OBSERVATION itself make you illegable to become the only boss at something?

I have witnessed this discussion happen in front of me as I stayed quiet only wondering and thinking… how does this person talk about sex with all the confidence and certitude in the world? I could also tell that the other party was as shocked and as confused as I am. I personally didn’t take part in the discussion because first of all I didn’t try sex and second of all the details they were discussing weren’t what I would call an appropriate topic to be discussed openly in a huge group of people who weren’t all close to each other. But then again, people can discuss anything they want… who am I to stop them.

I am not against discussing any matter in the world. In fact, I would call it an intellectual talk when people discuss things to share knowledge with others no matter what the topic is about… yes even if it’s disgusting. But the key element here is “how” do you say it. Yes, I’m referring to appropriateness and suitability in speech. I would understand the absence of aptness of the discussion is among close friends.

But then, it all pushed me into thinking: If a person is not experienced in a particular thing, does it give them the right to force their own opinion insisting that they are right while also insisting that the experienced person is wrong?

I wouldn’t care if the topic was more scientific requiring facts and statistics, but when it is a topic that is of “feelings” how can you tell what people physically and emotionally feel doing a particular act when you yourself haven’t experienced it?

Ok, so this example was about sex because that’s the discussion this particular person usually discussed (I told you they are a sex freak). However, let’s forget that particular person I was talking about… in life, there are many people like that who talk with the same tone of aggressiveness in forcing their opinion ESPECIALLY about things they have not experienced.

So yes, people talk all the time. Be it about science, be it about life, be it about entertainment, be it about religion or be it about other people including themselves. But sometimes, some people just DON’T KNOW how to ‘perfect’ (verb) the art of “talk”.

"es2al mojarreb wala tes2al 6abeeb" I totally agreee with this proverb.
This person is a very intelligent one, one with a lot of information and sometimes could be someone whom you go to for consultation. But I believe that to “be there” is different than “hearing about it” and then talking like you “know it all”.


M said...
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M said...

Yet again an amazing TOPIC, and you've hit on the HEAD.

You've discussed an issue that we all somehow experience, and you backed up with an example.
Honestly, it amazes me how people would "TALK" just for the hell of speaking, especially in an AREA they have no experience in.

I find those people very shallow, especially if they agrue something or a point they didn't try or experience. Basically it is all crap fe crap.... =P

And to answer your question, NO a person cannot be a master in something he/she didn't try. The experience itself is WAY different from just hearing and talking about.
Just a general topic such as "sex" differs from one person to another depending on the experience itself.

People who have to BARE to listen to such "Miss/Mr. I know it all even without experiencing" should GET reward and a prize in the end for trying to KEEP up with such IGNORaNT PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

I think you learn from experiance.. YOu can never fully understand anything untill you experiance it.. I know people who when discussing a topic argue and talk like THEY know IT ALL and everything they say is RIGHT, and even after proven wrong they will never ADMIT and try to fnd ways to twist what they said to make it sound right. .. People LEARN from experiance.. ;p I think you learn more from experiance than from education.. Think of it this way.. Most of our grandparents never went to school or University some may even be illetrate but their knowledge about life is much wider than ours and its all from thier past experiances .. ;p ..

Anonymous said...

An interesting topic I have to say! You can always point to these people who know it all. They just know every little detail about every single thing in this universe. Whether its medicine, astronomy, technology, philosophy, “sex”, even crap you name it, I’m pretty sure they know it. They speak with a tone of bride, as if the were messengers from God believing that whatever they say will be taught in history books about them in some coming future. << well guess what, “NOT A CHANCE”…

I have come to a conclusion that in my opinion best defines these people and the source of their never ending wisdom. Well, they watch lots of movies, or perhaps read, but I don’t think of these people as the reading type, so movies it is! I mean think about it, why would someone talk about something that they don’t even have a clue about unless they had some guidance!!

One more thing I will like to add, there are people in this world who do talk a lot, but I find what they say very amusing. I just wish that they never shut up! Really! They are the once who know what they are talking about. They are fully qualified to be saying what ever word coming out of there mouths, and they find no problem saying that they don’t know something if they didn’t! As for the inexperienced talking being, I just wish that I can shout it out in there faces “SHUT UP” and I will be doing that for the love of god!

Navy Girl said...

i actually believe in that !! i mean when you ask someone who been there or tried whatever that your asking for its really much better than asking someone who have no idea but read about or even studied about it.. sometimes what goes on in real life is the real issue .. sooo just like DD said .. nooo you cant be a master in something you haven't tried yet ... its all about experience !

Anonymous said...

I always stand for experience :)

Ammaro said...

people are stubborn; inside their heads, what they know is right. its not very many people that are acutally humble enough to accept that they dont really "know-it-all". But you know what you know, and to you, thats the world.

And some people love to show off how much they know. I guess ur friend is one of those :p

Reem B. said...

DEEDEE and S.MAD: I know what you both are talking.... and am sure youa lso experienced what I experienced! hehe and it's very annoying!! really it pisssed me off.

SeeKer: Wowwwww someone is just as angry as i am!!! Misss you girl :D

Navy Girl: stick to that thought! Cuz those people who think they have what experience can't offer are just blind! :S

Joel: and I stand with you !

Ammaro: What can I add to what you said?! hehe... you said it all bro!

Dr. Shale bin Agnon said...

I have a friend who is a mathematician. He said to me one day, "If any mathematician tells you they understand mathematics, then they clearly are not working hard enough."

Often, a tip off that somebody does not know what they are talking about is their excess of certitude.

Double D: You say "No a person cannot be a..." How can you be so certain?

S.Mad: Our grandparents had a different range of specific experiences to us. Those experiences are relevant to similar experiences. Education is largely about finding general rules that have been learned from specific experiences, and you can not really say that you have been fully educated until you have been able to put those general rules into practice in a new specific experience. The idea is that by learning the general rules, you will be better able to cope with a new specific experience when it happens to you, whereas relying only on specific experiences can only give you information on re-encounters with those same specific experiences, in my opinion.

Okay, to summarise my silly opinion, general rules help you deal with specific experiences, but those general rules are derived from other specific experiences. Education gives you a great start. If anybody tells you that education is the only way to become an expert in life, tell them to check out how bad salaries are for the just-graduated. If anybody tells you that experience is the only way to become an expert, expect them to follow it with 'Would you like fries with that?'

Aisha said...

grrrrrr i have so much to say but i have to go to my grandmas for f6oor

mbarak 3aleiki ishahar btw ;*

M said...

Shale, I was replying to C's comment about the person she knows who speaks of sex like he/she knows it when he/she never tried it.
I was answering her question, "Could someone become a MASTER of something when they didn't try it? can OBSERVATION itself make you illegable to become the only boss at something?" No the experience differs from one person to another. The physical ACT itself is very different from the "Talk", especially when someone NEVER TRIED IT AT ALL and speaks off it like they know it all.

M said...

Shale I have a question for u ;)

What does the "bin" stands for in your latest nickname?

Dr. Shale bin Agnon said...

I agree with your point, and I was just making trouble naming you :). You answer a question I have been pondering. How do you define a 'master' of something?

Son of.

Reem B. said...

hmmm.... good question. My definition might not be accurate.. it might not even be correct, but personally i think that a master is one who has been out there in the field and had a taste of this and that and has been "with time and experience" capable of encountering the same matter, if you'd call it that, with success standing on solid grounds.

But then again... it's only my very humble opinion.

hmmmm now I wonder what is everyone's definition of a master.

Reem B. said...

Palo Girl: allah ybarek feeech and ramadan Kareem.... and yalla come back and share yoru views and thoughts! ;)

Reem B. said...

shale: You seem to have thought I was talking about education in terms of science or academics... not really. I'm not even talking about education at all in my post if you noticed. maybe mentioned it but it's not "about" education. It's about experiencing life itself... Sex came as an example because it's what this person very recently talked about. and most of the poeple who comment on my blog know who I'm talking about. That's why they wrote what they wrote.

So, text books don't teach you to have sex... i mean it's not kama sutra! LOL They teach you what scientifically and biologically takes place when people have sex. so it's not about the education... Your sexual experience is YOUR own sexual experience... it's what you went through, how, with whom... and all these elements play a role in shaping and creating your views on sex. so, yes people share opinions and views when talking about such experiences in life but they don't necessarily have to be the default perceptions of something. They can change, Whereas stuff like arithmatics don't even need your opinion sometimes. 1 + 1 = 2. It can never equal 3 or 4! so we can't argue here.

so trust me i know better than to compare education to experience. They compliment each other but that's a whole different topic and not what i talked about in my blog.

Reem B. said...

oops I meant: Text books don't teach us HOW to have sex**8

eshda3wa said...

mino hathy elmaskeena ele just observing sex
No she cant tell the people that have experiance she knows better
is she serious!

and that applies to anything
im studying dentistry rite! i could know everything ever written about it, i could be the master of knowledge but untill i actually WORK then it really dosent count!!

i suggest the girl finds a new hobby

Desert-Roses said...

Why this even bothering you...?
that sex thingie..assholes can do what ever that want...
to me most things need action to be experienced totally...observation is required too before taking a move...

I believe that the both are requiered, when you work you start to observe and when you observe you so energized to they are attached to each others..something badihi dear!!

Dr. Shale bin Agnon said...
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Dr. Shale bin Agnon said...
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Reem B. said...

Eshda3wa: yup exactly what I believe.

Desert Rose: thanks for passing by... and it's not bothering me, it's just a habbit i noticed in some people and thought of sharing it here because this habbit is shay ynarfiz when it's over done. And of course what you said is 8emma fil badaha... and that's ALSO why hal ashkal etnarfizni. :P

Dr. Shale bin Agnon said...

In education I meant learning but not practicing, not necessarily schooling. The girl educated herself I am assuming by reading books about sex, discussing sex, and watching television, etc. However, she has yet to put it into practice. (in my experience almost everything you know in advance is pretty useless in this area)

Reem B. said...

glad that things are clear now.

KJ said...

I hate it when people do that. Here are my two cents:

1st cent: People who talk without knowledge are doing it just to get attention and "not be left out". I believe that if someone doesn't have something worthy and intelligent to add to a conversation then that person should simply listen and learn.

2nd cent: Some topics, like sex, are highly subjective and individualistic, like food. The same dish can be too salty or unsalty or peppery or whatever, depending on the person tasting. The same things with some issues, you can only give your personal (and intelligent) opinion and can't force it onto others.

Reem B. said...

KJ: I couldn't agree more. lol@food :P I still didn't try that dish of yours! But will let you know what I think when I do .

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Ammaro said...

how can you quantify 'experience' ?

Sugar-Free Sweetie said...

Hey cee...sorry for replying a little late...I mean I read this yesterday...but I had to think enough befor commenting on such topic....good post always;)

I don't think you can ever know enough about sex...listening to the experience is one thing but actually going through it is a completely different thing....and if the describtion is such extreme then I'm guessing that person must've had some exposure to porn or something....but even porn is fake for crying out loud...we are all gonna experience it sooner or later so why don't you let us decide about how it feels ourselves...

But again there are people who learn from others mistakes and experiences and thats a great thing..things like 'hey, yesterday at 3 I took the Emirates road highway and it was totally blocked' the next day I should know better not to take that same route simply to avoid any traffic..but as I said before sex is in a totally different category, some things has to be experienced in order to understand them...beside some people simply over-react about this thing...and listening to those kind of people is the real head-ache...

Reem B. said...

Ammaro: the scale of experience is also a story of its own ! lol what do you think? I think it varies depending on the experince of "what?"

Sugarfree: Thanks... never late.
And what can I add to what you said? :P

Ammaro said...

im very experienced in chocolate.

Reem B. said...

lol... I'm very experienced in that too. So now you and I have the right to talk 3ala kaif kaifna about that and nobody's should write a post like this against us! lol

Anonymous said...

excellent way of framing your topic.

many people talk about things that they havent experienced
some do it so to crave attention others so not to be left behind.

what's important to know is to acknowledge the differences between people's experiences and the fiction some people make up.

there is no right or wrong answer but I believe that some subjects are better kept to oneself, because u can never explain the experience u went through to anyone since it's a very private matter.

well done Canc3rian for highlighting this interesting topic. :)

Reem B. said...

@ JASMINE -- welcome to my blog dear.. miss you.

Thanks for passing by and I get what you said. It's true how some people just talk about things to grab attention and maybe tp occupy a place in poeple's minds or something... it's just weird in a weird way if you know what I mean lol.