Friday, July 13, 2007

Is it a Curse from School ?

I don’t know what’s wrong with the school I graduated from! We’ve always heard bad news every now and then about classmates, friends or other students from different classes. I remember the first serious bad news I got that had to do with me and my childhood memories, and even more strongly it was related to my brother. It was one of his friends whom he has grown up with. He was two years older than I was. When we were little (I was in third grade) I remember his sister and I teamed up against him and my brother. We used to run all around the playground, we used to eat together; we used to fight over stickers and have the most childish conversations ever. I remember how he would try to get us envious of his name while he told us how famous it was and very common among cartoon characters. That’s because his name was not a common Emirati name at all. I remember he would tell us about Greece and then his sister and he would speak some Greek to make us familiar with the language. Then, I remember the bell would ring, I would go to my class, his sister would go to her class, my brother and he would go to class together. Years passed by… my brother and I left that school and when we came back I don’t even know if they remember the memories we had. We really weren’t in touch much. As the years passed by, we came back to the same school, my brother and I. I was in tenth grade now and my brother and he were seniors. They graduated and I remember the girls and I would make fun of him and call him Enrique for he looked like Enrique Iglesias. I remember that for a while he never attended his classes because of a fight that took place. The guys made fun and joked saying that he most probably died… well, what did they know? A year after that, he really died at around the same time. He died in an accident while driving to meet up with some friends. He was wearing a shirt that belonged to one of his best friends whom he was supposed to meet that night. What do we know? Later that night, that friend of his saw him die… wearing his shirt. The whole school went dark and sad. I remember that day very well. All I was haunted by is the memories I had of him and his sister. They only had each other and their mom. Their house must have been so empty after his death for he was the only man. He was also a kind hearted person who cared a big deal about his sister.

After this incident, and after I had graduated, I never stopped hearing news of students’ deaths – students from my school. My friends and I really began to think that our school was cursed. We heard rumors about two other guys who died and a girl, too.

Today, I again heard the saddest news. Back then when we were in school, there were those very highly respected twins whom nobody spoke of in any manner other than respect and pride. They set the perfect example of ideal youth. Throughout the years I spent in school, never have I ever heard anything negative of them. And today the news just struck me. My brother was sitting checking his mobile phone and told me “The twins… they had a terrible accident. One died, one is in the ICU and might not make it”. It was very sad because I never saw one without the other… what would his life be without his closes brother all of a sudden! His brother who was his TWIN which means he was LITERALLY part of him! I shall stop here. To keep on talking about this does no good at all. “Allah yer7ama… w y9abber haleh… w yeshfy o5ooh w y3eeena 3ala frag his twin”. But one last word, though! I must say that people like them “ma yen5af 3alaihom” mashalla. Yen5af 3ala those illi lail w nhar ‘3afleen 3an rabhom w a5rathom… Allahomma as2aloka 7osn al 5atema… Death really knows no age.


M said...

Haven’t you realized that as we grow up the reality of death keeps striking us more and again and again…Fe people our age, or little older mostly fall victims in car accidents for whatever reasons. I just heard the news of also a guy who has just recently graduated from my school passed away. =S

Allah yer7am jamee3 awatna and my heart goes out to the families who’ve lost their dear ones so sudden, and in a blink of an eye.

This is a reality check to all of us alive, that death as you said doesn’t know an age or even an occasion. Allah ye7sen 5atmatna ow eythbtna 3ala deeena… Ameen Ameen Ameen!!!!

Reem B. said...

DEEDEE: One word in response to what you said--> AMEEEEN :( and el7emdilla 3ala kil 7al.

Sugar-Free Sweetie said...

How Tragic...Death is the biggest reality of one will escape it...allahoma a7sin 5atimatna.

Reem B. said...

Sugar-free sweetie... Thanks for passing by :)