Wednesday, July 25, 2007

As a Child

As a child, I was afraid of everyone.

As a child, I hated makeup. (I love it now lol)

As a child, I was more of a tomboy.

As a child, I secretly wanted to become a detective.

As a child, I truly felt that nobody could see who I really am inside.

As a child, I was the skinniest girl in school.

As a child, I was an ultimately quiet person.

As a child, I only trusted Moh’d. (he's probably reading this now)

As a child, I was my mother’s shadow feeling weak without her around.

As a child, I never opened up to people and I still don’t easily.

As a child, I was always on alarm thinking that I am somehow watched by someone or something.

As a child, I was locked up in the world of my own imagination.

As a child, I often, by mistake, overheard a lot of adults’ conversations and kept things to myself.

As a child, I always linked what people did in different times and places and quietly did the math in my head to conclude their evil/good intentions.

As a child, I never shared my thoughts – especially with my mother.

As a child, I was attached to our home and no place in the whole world was more peaceful.

As a child, I often tried tricking the guy on TV and changed where I was sitting just to see if his eyes would go somewhere else. Of course that was dumb. (stop laughing)

As a child, I often imagined myself on a huge stage acting like a famous celebrity of something. Oh my God, all this was in my head!

As a child, I had one of the best handwritings in class.

As a child, I had a crush on a senior when I was only in 2nd grade. What was I thinking. Wait, I was only a child!

As a child, I was into art. What happened?

As a child, I thought my dad was a super hero. (he still is my hero and my inspiration).

As a child, I was innocent. Such a strong word.

As a child, I often tried to impress the older boys by playing football with them in the field. Again, what THE HELL was I thinking? Yet again, I was only a child.

As a child, I often tried to read people’s minds. Also, I remember I would try to imagine what lied under that face, that skin… yes skeletons and skulls. Hmm don’t ask why.

As a child, I was never myself around my mother. Now, we’re like close friends.

As a child, I used to look for dandelions and gently blew them in the air.

As a child, I was thrilled about ‘rounders’ – a sport we played in school with Ms. Ursula. I miss her. I wonder what happened to her.

As a child, I wished I had a sister. I regret that. She’s sitting next to me now!

As a child, I used to sleep-talk and sometimes sleep-walk. I still sleep-talk, though.

As a child, I thought “what if our life was a sitcom that God watches… just like how we watch series and sitcoms too”.

As a child, I thought all countries and all nationalities stood together and loved each other. Lovely innocent thought huh?!

But you know what?

As a child, who thought I would be writing all this in something called a BLOG?

Surely there’s much more of things I used to do or be as a child. But that’s all I can think of for now.


Unknown said...

OMG!! I see a lot of me in you as a CHILD .. I use to be almost the same, just that I was very Girlie !! I was the most annoying CHILD EVER !! I was so into make-up and grown up stuff, I SUCKED !! .. hehe ..

Reem B. said...

lol Sara M. I used to compete with the boys... maybe because I was surrounded by four brothers. But all the tomboy days are gone now haha... THANK GOD ! I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS THAT! haha

PS: Yesterday was hillarious :P

Navy Girl said...

we are the same girl .. you rock sis !! :P

Reem B. said...

Hehe NAVY GIRL.. WE BOTH ROCK aren't we amazing ? =p =D

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think I've experienced most of these situations :)

but you missed one point... or may be it only happened to me :D

as a child, i thought moms give birth only when they ask god :)

Reem B. said...

haha Rekoo that's a cute thought... hmm.. to be honest i didn't think of it that way. I never seriously wondered about giving birth as a child... oops, was I a normal child? cuz I've just realised that almost every child wondered about it. lol

Amna_a said...

Haha, I was such a tomboy when I was a kid as well. I would play football with my dad, brother and male cousins to show them I was tough :P

Nice blog btw..

Reem B. said...

LOL i did exactly the same!

Thanks for passing by Moviemania =D

I checked your blog too and I loved it.

Keep posting =D

Unknown said...

Yes I am reading your post, and I am still the one you can always trust ^^

Anonymous said...

I guess we were all so innocent and cute when we were children.

Lovely post. Made me smile.

As I child, I cried but never felt sad.

Reem B. said...

Moh'd: Thanks bro. Same here you can awlays discuss your horrible/amazing thoughts and ideas and fears and dreams lol... =)

Sara Shuaibi: Yeah... life looked so sweet when we were innocently ignorant! lol

Anonymous said...

I guess that's where the famous "ignorance is bliss" come from. :P

Reem B. said...

Sara Shuaibi: Galing galing!!! <--- is this how we write it? (if not, you still know what I mean right?)

hayhatta said...

just dropping in to return a favor, but i still have to read the rest of your blog....

Reem B. said...

Hayhatta: 7ayyak! Thanks for dropping by.

M said...

Poetic, beautifully described =D

As a mother in the future, I want my child 'J' to be like you ;)

P.S. long ago I always told you to publish a book ;) I know you have it on the list of "must do" things =P! But I'd like to remind you and support you that just like both Saras are saying =P

M said...

oh mi god,
Rekooo I thought the SAMEEE =P!!! They would sit and pray and wait for a baby :S ! I thought that as soon as people get married, Allah would give them a baby!
How very innocent of US.

Anonymous said...

canc3rian, I am not sure with the Filipino spelling. Kahit ano, basta we understand each other. ;) I guess there's an "ang" before the "galing galing" though. :P

Ang galing galing! :D

Anonymous said...

dynamic deeds, and I thought by only kissing we could have babies! :P HEHE... =D

Sugar-Free Sweetie said...

As a child, I had a crush on a senior when I was only in 2nd grade. What was I thinking. Wait, I was only a child!

As a child I had a crush on my karate coach..his name was Osama (back then osama used to be a normal it was ok to have a crush on a guy with that was only in 2nd grade...but again what was I thinking, wait I was only a child...hehehe

Lovely post are setting a very high standard for bloggers everywhere by such amazing posts..keep it up.

Reem B. said...

DEeDee...Thanks for the support and the reminder! You know how i sppreciate that!:D

Sara Shuaibi: yessssssssss i've always heard it with an "ang" Just didn't know how to write it!! THANKS:D

Sugar : So I guess we have more stuff in common than what we though! hahaha

Mirror Polisher said...

OMG, the only line that doesn't apply to me is the skinny part (though i was the tallest for a while, the handwriting part (had the worse handwriting actually), and wishing to have a sis (had 2.

Could it be coz we are both cancerians, hmmm?

So, do you stm wish you could be a kid again? ;P

Mirror Polisher said...

You know what, i think i would start making a list like this as well. It would be nice to take a walk down memory lane and see if i could remember what i was like as a kid.

Thanks for the inspiration. :)

Reem B. said...

Magical Droplets: hey! First let me say that I love you cuz you're also a cancerian! :D *warm hug* hehe

And i'm so glad to know that I was of any inspiration to you!

And hmmm... well.. i don't know if i want to go back to being a child again. I'm so glad that I'm finally standing on my feet in this world hehe i grew up. But I do miss something about childhood... it's like what Amy Lee said in her song "field of innocence" :

"I want to go back to believing in everything and knowing nothing at all"

I love this song :)

Ammaro said...

thats cute :)

oh, and we all wanted to be detectives (or spies) when we were kids :)

Reem B. said...

ammar: Hehee yeah.. God you have no idea how SMART i felt whenever I spied on someone. I felt like a great genious or something.

Thanks for dropping by