Tuesday, July 17, 2007

An Interesting Spanish Proverb

“Cada cabeza es un mundo” – This Spanish saying that immediately and very deeply caught my attention had automatically been placed among my top beliefs. I remember how outranged my hunger was to not only learn but also find ways to learn more about the language and culture. This saying which literally means “Every head is a world” can be seen in many different ways really. But ever since I was introduced to this magnificent proverb, which is 4 years ago, I tend to believe in it deeper and deeper with each minute that passes by. It’s funny how these simple five words when put together had really enchanted me into thinking wisely and more openly with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers.

The sense of anatomy and comparison permanently camped in through my head. Not anatomizing to see the right and wrong, the black and white, the ups and downs, but in fact, this anatomization came with a whole different intention: To see how diverse and varied this universe is.

Let’s think of ourselves. My head has its own universal, systematical strategies in terms of how to function and to what directions interpretations should go. Such particular thoughts give me such amazement and urge you to praise God. Humans are after all the most complex creatures. Yes… each head is a world… and you know what is funny here? The circular shape of the head is truly taking the shape of, as they say: MUNDO (=World)! And it seems as though it’s keeping your system and functions locked up in a secret office. Just like the skeletons people hide in their own closets, each head has a world of its own that is well hidden inside ones thoughts and heart. Yes my friends…cada cabeza es “definitely” un mundo!


M said...

I was wondering what and when was it used for usually?

I believe in the beauty of the proverbs remaining its own language not translated.
This one makes sense but if look at some arabic ones they wouldn't sound as strong!

Reem B. said...

heheh very true about translating proverbs.. some might even sound FUNNNY and WRONG.

this proverb can be used in two different ways -->

One: you can use it when say for example a situation occurs and two people interpret it differently as they focus on different things.

Two: you know how sometimes in arabic we say " kollon fi falakn yasba7ooon?" well in this case you can use it to save yourself a whole lot of explanation to how each person's head (mind or brain) carries a whole different theme of thoughts and ideas, memories, intentions, current information....etc... AS IF IT WERE A WORLD OF ITS OWN. see what I mean? Hope i explained it well.

one and two are almost the same anyways.

M said...
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M said...

ahhaaaaaaa =P

I TRY to use it inshala fe my daily talk =P


Reem B. said...

LooooL I like to be called that THANKS!

Navy Girl said...

Hey you reminded me of school !! linguistics class ! I really love proverbs .. bs this one sounds funny , but i think i get it !

Reem B. said...

hehehe i like it cuz you like you said it's funny... in an ironic way somehow ! heheh

Reem B. said...

Fixing error: cuz like you said*