I went to the beach yesterday. I spent all day there. I mean it – I literally spent all day there (from 12:00 noon to 9:00 PM). You see, I am already bronze and I don’t need to get a tan. My mother doesn’t want my skin to get exposed to a lot of direct sun because my color really changes quickly – more like immediately! And she warned me saying: Itha yaiteeni min9al5a la ted5leen el bait. From her tone, I just knew that she meant what she said because she’s been having enough of me going out and coming back home with a multicolored skin hehe.
So, this fear got planted inside me now because I know my punishment would be “No more going to the beach for you this summer”. For that reason, I decided to sit inside the café and read magazines while having a light snack hoping that the time would pass quickly until the sun gets less burning. Meanwhile, my friends were out there lying under the sun dying to get my color ;) Doesn’t it feel great to know that you’re born with the perfect tan already??? (Sorry, S.Mad and ReeZ I just had to say that sentence).
Anyway, I had a lemon margarita with some French fries… and just sat there! It started to get boring and not even half an hour passed yet. And guess what is facing me? Just guess what was in front of my eyes the whole time? THE TEMPTING BEACH! It was never bluer than yesterday and the sands were never more crystal-like than yesterday, and the shore was never clearer than yesterday. The seashells were of all colors and they also shined under the bright sun. Yes, it was like the glittery shores that we see in the movies.
I tried to sit still, I fought each minute and each second but the beach was irresistible. Finally, I stood up… and flew to the beach where I saw my friends still suffering to get a decent tan. I called them crazy for not yet swimming and enjoying the water. And there I went enjoying the swim and floating while I daydreamed and listened to my own breathing. It’s the best feeling on earth to float among the sea waves and get lost with your thoughts under the bright sun and the clear blue sky.
I then freaked out when I saw myself in the mirror after taking a shower in the club. I became what my mother warned me not to be. I got a tan which I thought was extremely sexy and amazing but I know to my mom it’s TOO DARK and not nice! Hehe Well, I got yelled at, but hey when I remember the lovely sensation of floating under the sun and feeling the waters travel with you in waves made think: It’s WORTH ALL THE YELLING!!
So, this fear got planted inside me now because I know my punishment would be “No more going to the beach for you this summer”. For that reason, I decided to sit inside the café and read magazines while having a light snack hoping that the time would pass quickly until the sun gets less burning. Meanwhile, my friends were out there lying under the sun dying to get my color ;) Doesn’t it feel great to know that you’re born with the perfect tan already??? (Sorry, S.Mad and ReeZ I just had to say that sentence).
Anyway, I had a lemon margarita with some French fries… and just sat there! It started to get boring and not even half an hour passed yet. And guess what is facing me? Just guess what was in front of my eyes the whole time? THE TEMPTING BEACH! It was never bluer than yesterday and the sands were never more crystal-like than yesterday, and the shore was never clearer than yesterday. The seashells were of all colors and they also shined under the bright sun. Yes, it was like the glittery shores that we see in the movies.
I tried to sit still, I fought each minute and each second but the beach was irresistible. Finally, I stood up… and flew to the beach where I saw my friends still suffering to get a decent tan. I called them crazy for not yet swimming and enjoying the water. And there I went enjoying the swim and floating while I daydreamed and listened to my own breathing. It’s the best feeling on earth to float among the sea waves and get lost with your thoughts under the bright sun and the clear blue sky.
I then freaked out when I saw myself in the mirror after taking a shower in the club. I became what my mother warned me not to be. I got a tan which I thought was extremely sexy and amazing but I know to my mom it’s TOO DARK and not nice! Hehe Well, I got yelled at, but hey when I remember the lovely sensation of floating under the sun and feeling the waters travel with you in waves made think: It’s WORTH ALL THE YELLING!!
P.S: Dynamic Deeds walla you missed it. I wish you could have made it. Next time inshalla (Whenever I'm allowed to go again =P )
The Beach was BEYOND AMAZING… It was indescribable… and yeah your color is amazing… all the suffering of laying under the sun was semi-worth it, since my body got an incredibly beautiful tan but my face just got a shade darker or so… MY FACE IS MUCH WHITER THAN MY BODY!! I am defiantly going again. I got so addicted to the beach I went crazy today just buying beach stuff. My mother was also really pissed off at my tan; she complained and said I never saw someone that suffers to make their selves look uglier… I don’t understand their generation, they think white is beauty. Cancerian we will find a way to make our mothers love our tan and we will go to the beach together sometimes soon!! We will TAKE OUR MOTHERS THIS TIME!! Force them to get a TAN LOL…
hahahahah nice one s.Mad... I just think it's impossible to convince mama. She would go only if it's 5:00 pm!! 7alata under the burning sun! and yeah their generation is simply THEIRS... let's live ours even if it means getting yelled at! LOL
I love to have a tanned skin too and my skin usually gets tanned very quickly.
Its good to hear that you had a good time, its summer and all you have in kuwait are the beaches. So hit them and enjoy your time :)
Amu: Thanks for sharing your thoughts... and yeah tan ROCKS!! hehe
I am in Dubai not Kuwait... :) But there's no difference when it comes to the BEach ;) =D
yeah thats me .. born with the best color ever ;P
hehe navy girl .... we should create a new blog bas 7ag el people with the natural sexy tan!
Well cancerian, I'm glad you've enjoyed it and you don't regret it...
I guess Navy Girl joined the club of NATURALLY BRONZE BEACH BABES =P
AND yeah, just like yours and AMU get sunkissed easliy =P! Which is a good thing for me and a bad thing for MAMAti!
aaaah DEEDEEE don't get me started with what mama thinks of my color! You know already!! and about the NBBBC (Naturally bronze beach babes Club) yes Navy Girl is definitely in !! Sara not yet though! hahaha
Ops! sorry..I know typo error I wanted to write in Kuwait and Dubai :)
AMU: we're all the same and wether in Dubai or Kuwait or qatar or bahrain or oman we all stand together.
Sunshine? Today is the rainiest day in the last five years. Grrr. I am definitely going to have to go on holiday soon. I start off coloured blue in the sun, quickly turn red, and then go to white and stay there happily.
Shale of agnon: I WELCOME YOU TO DUBAI :D... where the sun is never not shining and where the sky is the clearest blue!
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